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Thread: Lens hoods

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Lens hoods

    Be honest, how many of you use a lens hood when you shoot outdoors? I really don't use one but feel maybe I should. What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001

    Re: Lens hoods

    I sometimes use a collapsible rubber lens hood. Otherwise, holding the dark slide over the lens is sufficient for shading.

  3. #3
    3d Visual Effects artist
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    Re: Lens hoods

    I generally don't. If my lens is catching direct light from the sun or other bright light source (which is rare), I use a darkslide/hand/hat. But other than that, I usually don't do anything to shade the lens. I'd say 80% of the time, I don't make any attempt to shade the lens.

    I'm sure there would probably be a little bit of contrast increase in alot of the situations if I had a barndoor shade, but I don't notice the problem enough to make me want a barn door setup.
    Daniel Buck - 3d VFX artist
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  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Lens hoods

    I use one about 25% of the time, mostly with lenses that have a large image circle, or when the sun would otherwise directly strike the lens.

    Otherwise I use the darkslide.

  5. #5
    Still Developing
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    Re: Lens hoods

    If anything within a frame distance away from my picture is greater than two stops higher than the contents of my picture or the sun is shining on the front of my lens/filter I'll use a lens hood.

    This typically means about 30-50% of the time. However I take quite a few detail shots that crop close to the horizon line. I also like side/backlit subjects.


  6. #6
    Robert A. Zeichner's Avatar
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    Re: Lens hoods

    Quote Originally Posted by ignatiusjk View Post
    Be honest, how many of you use a lens hood when you shoot outdoors? I really don't use one but feel maybe I should. What are your thoughts?
    After a lot of investigation and experimentation, I never leave home without one.

  7. #7
    Darren H's Avatar
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    The Lone Star State

    Re: Lens hoods

    I always made do with using a hat to shade the lens since most compendiums (especially like the one for my Arca) are way too much ($600). However when I found a used one for $100 I bought one. I carry it but only use it sometime.

    The biggest thing I find is you cannot use grad filters with it as a Cokin P and Singh Ray filters are too big :-( and since I use those alot outside I am back to the hat. Needless to say it became a little bit of a dissapointment. If you use grads I'd check to see if it is big enough. So maybe a Lee type hood that can use a grad is a better bet as more practical.

    Or just do not worry about it.
    My Arca-Swiss Camera Blog- The Large Format Camera Blog

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  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Homewood, IL

    Re: Lens hoods

    I always use a compendium. Used properly, it significantly reduces bellows flare.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Orange, CA

    Re: Lens hoods

    I use a standard Lee hood whenever possible; I can't prove that this always helps, but I lug my big ol' LF camera around to get maximum image quality, so why skimp on this last step? For wide angle lenses where the Lee hood would vignette, I shade the lens with either my hat or dark slide.

  10. #10

    Re: Lens hoods

    I'm with Eric, a standard Lee hood is my choice also. I've used some form of shade on
    cameras for so long I don't really know what exactly the effect would be without one.
    I'm not going out of my way to experiment, either.

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