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Thread: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

  1. #31

    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Re: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fred L View Post
    empty holders are stacked in my darkroom, but loaded, and exposed holders are kept in PhotoBackpacker Cascades cases. Have them for 4x5 to 8x10. On these cases I glued wide (2"x3") velcro tabs so I cld attach labels indicating what film is in them.
    I like your use of Velcro tabs. Great idea, thank you.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    St. Simons Island, Georgia

    Re: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

    I use a grease pencil/china marker to write the film type on the dark slide itself. It wipes off with one of those Mr. Clean dry sponge doohickeys.

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

    Interesting thread for me because I have been told by a couple of people that my Hasselblad backs should be stored with the dark slides out to preserve the light tightness of the backs. For all the reasons listed above I've kept them in, but I often wonder if I'll eventually regret it.

  4. #34

    Join Date
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    Loganville , GA

    Re: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

    Quote Originally Posted by mitrajoon View Post
    Interesting thread for me because I have been told by a couple of people that my Hasselblad backs should be stored with the dark slides out to preserve the light tightness of the backs. For all the reasons listed above I've kept them in, but I often wonder if I'll eventually regret it.
    I’ve had lots of Blads, Rollei SL 66s, Koni Omegas, Mamiya RBs over the years, all bought new and none had that recommendation in the instruction books, in fact with most, you could not remove or replace the backs without the slides in place.

    Leave yours in.

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

    Thxs. Glad to hear that my instincts were correct.

  6. #36

    Join Date
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    Atlanta, Georgia USA

    Re: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

    My personal opinion would be to keep all of my 4x5" dark slides in place. This is because I own over 100 of them which I have accumulated over many years. If I had to figure out which slides went with which holders, it would drive me nuttier than I already am. LOL! Besides, it most likely keeps the dust out. As mentioned, every manufacturer made a slightly different size.

    The unused / uncleaned sheet film holders are in a large cardboard box. (Possibly not the best storage option.)

    Once I clean up a holder and get it ready for use, then it goes into a freezer Zip bag - loaded or not.

    Part of preparing a holder, I use a paint marker to put a number on each side starting at 001 then 002, 003, etc.

    Out in the field, when I make notes about the subject, lens, etc. I make sure to record the number of the side, too.

    After loading film, the holders go into a freezer Zip bag that is marked as to what film, type, ISO, etc.

    The holders are marked, too. I use blue painter's tape that also serves to hold the dark slide in place.

    Out in the field, I carry the 4x5" holders in purpose-made bags that I found on eBay a couple of years ago.

    BTW, some thermal padded lunch bags accommodate 4x5" sheet film holders nicely. Look for them in great abundance in late summer when stores have back to school stock on hand.

    When I get back to the darkroom, I use my notebook to sort out any sheet film holders that I might want to process differently.

    After the sheets of film are dry I use an India ink marker to write the sheet film holder number on the edge of the sheet of film. That way if I discover later that a sheet film holder is defective, I can trace it back to the source for testing, cleaning or trashing. I also add the date I shot it.

    Finally, the negatives go into plastic archival storage pages that hold four. I mark on the top edge of the sheet the film type, developer, date, etc.
    Last edited by AtlantaTerry; 14-Jul-2019 at 19:10. Reason: added more details after thinking about it

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Re: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

    sometimes really old holders are made of wood and the glue just dries out. You can re-glue them with hide glue (from craft shop or a real hardware store) or elmers glue.

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Re: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

    I have bought all of my holders used. 4x5's have all been in my possession since the 1960's. They are additionally stored in zp bags whether loaded or not. all still work perfectly.
    My 5x7 and 8x10 holders are not quite as old but the same conditions are true. te 7x17 and 5x12 olders are a mixed bag. The ones original with the cameras,(1930's) are still perfect. The only holders I've ever had trouble with were bought new. Most of these required blackening inside the flap. These also are stored in zip bags.

  9. #39

    Join Date
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    Loganville , GA

    Re: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

    Did you ever, or have heard of anyone, buy new film holders that had the slides not properly inserted?

    Why do you think that all manufacturers shipped their holders that way?

    Additionally, storing holders without the slides opens up possible dust problems, especially with well worn used ones and a better chance of damaging the flaps.

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Re: Newb question: Store film holders with dark slides in...or out?

    I always keep holders in bags.

    If the white side of the slide is out it is unexposed. If black is out it is exposed. If it is in a bag that is labeled EMPTY, the holder is empty. Pretty simple. I label the holders in the spot where it is supposed to be done with a pencil when the film is loaded. No mixups.

    All my holders are numbered and notched with that binary code thing. I don't even remember how it works, but if I ever have a problem I'll figure it out again. I'll probably never have a problem since I notched them. That is typically how it works.

    I have a lot of holders, so keeping it all simple is the way to go.

    Except the five Grafmatics. If I have a problem with one of those I'm screwed. No real way to know which one it would be except for dead reckoning.

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