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Thread: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Re: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

    Still curious, nine days ago I sent Archival Museum Supplies the following message:


    I heard about your existence last month via this Large Format Photography forum thread:

    Your Web site included some items not available elsewhere, which was very interesting. Then, your paper catalog was delivered to my physical mailbox. Even more intriguing, with additional items of interest not found on your Web site. However, after being burned by Light Impressions, and noting that illustrations in your catalog carry the Light Impressions name, I've become very reluctant to place any orders. Therefore, please answer the following questions:

    • Are you in any way connected with the owners of Light Impressions, whether current or former? If so, what is the connection / business relationship?
    • Your paper catalog includes item PE 10043, 8x10 Polyester SplitFile Interleaving folders, on page 12, and item PE 10052, 8-1/2 x 10-1/2 Buffered Out-Seal Envelopes, on page 13. Neither of them can be found on your Web site. Do they in reality exist and, if so, how many packages of each do you have in stock for immediate shipment?
    • Item LS10010, Black Library 1-1/2" D-Ring Album & Slipcase Set - Black, appears both on your Web site and in your paper catalog, with a different Item number (LS1010) on page 47, for $56.97. Do these binders include the pull tab illustrated? Are the dimensions quoted accurate? How many sets do you have in stock for immediate shipment?
    • Is it possible to place an order in person at your location for immediate payment and pickup?

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.


    Sal Santamaura

    I have received no reply to date. Note that I was willing to drive an hour and make a personal appearance if necessary. It is still very suspicious to me; unless and until they respond satisfactorily, I'll place no orders.

    Norman Riley: have you had any further contact and/or dealings with this firm?

  2. #12

    Re: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

    Hello Sal. I have not had any direct contact with them lately. I did try to call them a few days ago with the intent of discussing concerns raised in this forum and my own interest in particular products, but all my calls were immediately redirected to an overflow mailbox "due to high call volume," a claim I found rather hard to believe at the time. I did speak to one of their representatives earlier and the information reported in my previous post here was based partly on that phone conversation. I have also spoken with FDM Brands more than once. They readily admit that they purchased LI and hope to turn that company (or some remnant of it) around. They also said they hope to resume the sale of those much-coveted corrugated shipping boxes. It has been several weeks since my last conversation with FDM. I continue to think that AMS is not a reincarnation of LI as some here want to believe, but was merely one of several suppliers to LI. When I mentioned those shipping boxes to AMS they seemed interested in filling that need and I assured them that they would likely be inundated with requests for those boxes if they decided to supply them. On a separate but related note, the last time I spoke with a live person at AMS, I asked for a catalog and was promised that one would be shipped to me, but I have not yet received one and that is more than a little discouraging to me. I did tell them about the talk going on here vis-à-vis their company and they seemed interested in that news as well. They asked me several times whether I had lost any money through unfilled orders to LI (the implication was that they would try to make good on such losses to some degree, if possible) but I never had that unfortunate experience with LI (LI refunded my $$ for items on extended "backorder") and therefore cannot say what AMS really will or will not do about losses suffered in dealings with LI for products supplied by AMS itself. It does seem a little odd that AMS would try to cover those losses (you can't help but wonder why they would do that if they are not a successor to LI as they claim - and yes, I asked that question directly), but their claim of being a separate entity seems plausible in light of what FDM says about itself, and it seems consistent with observations made here about product branding, so I continue to give AMS the benefit of the doubt for now. The questions you posed to AMS are very good questions and I, along with many others here, will be interested to read their answers.

    N. Riley

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    SF Bay Area

    Re: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

    Re the coveted corrugated shipping boxes, I received an email from Sara McCheyne @ FDM (LI) on 9/9/14 in response to my query of 9/3/14: "Unfortunately we do not have the item in stock. It may be a few more months until we get them". Sounds all too familiar.

    Thanks for your updates.


  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

    Dear All,

    I think I can help a bit with the confusion here. The quoted address for Archival Museum Supplies, as well as Archival Albums & Photo Pages and Pieces in Places is 2498 Roll Drive, Suite 1618, San Diego, CA 92154. The catalog for Archival Albums & Photo Pages, although more compact, looks remarkably similar to the old Light Impressions catalog. The key here, however, is the given address. A Google aerial view shows this to be a US Port of Entry trucking facility on the U.S., side of the U.S. - Mexico border. It is clearly not a manufacturing facility. Whether it actual is subdivided into warehousing is debatable.

    Over 2 years ago I placed an order with Archival Albums & Photo Pages for sheet lifters and a combination package of LI type Photoguard pages. The sheet lifters were sent, but not the Photoguard pages. At about the same time, FDM in Rochester, NY, claimed that they had the rights to sell Light Impressions products. Instead of going back to Mexico for production, they went to China. Things went extremely slowly as they tried to get the manufacturing set up and so I waited patiently for the "real" Light Impressions to surface.

    Each year, Archival Albums & Photo Pages would issue a new catalog, giving hope against hope that they would, indeed, turn out the needed Photoguard type pages. When I received the latest catalog, I gave them a call and reminded them that I was still awaiting fulfillment of my order, explaining that I had many albums to fill. Each time I called I talked to a very pleasant young woman who would apologize for the delay and would see to it that I got my pages expedited to me. Nothing happened. But this time, with the prospect of a potential large order to follow, I did get another shipment of the sheet lifters but, alas, no Photoguard pages. The return address on the envelope did provide an additional clue, as the sheet lifters were shipped from Archival, 451 Tecate Road, Tecate, CA 91980. Another Google aerial photo showed this to be a small shipping facility, not a manufacturing facility. A search of the Yellow Pages showed about 8 business facilities associated with this address, apparently all using it to ship out their products. The invoice for the sheet lifters gave the Roll Drive address, but now the company called itself Plastic Retail Displays, LLC.

    Next up was a check of the Better Business Bureau for Archival Albums & Photo Pages. The company is not accredited by the BBB. On a scale from F to A+, the BBB gave this company an F. In the last 3 years, there were 7 advertising/sales issues, 7 billing/collection issues, 257 delivery issues, 0 guarantee/warranty issues, and 59 problems with product/service.

    The best I can say of this company is that it may be able to supply some items that Light Impressions used to supply. Since receiving the sheet lifters, I have received 3 calls from the company. The first was from a man who offered me a 10% discount on anything I ordered in the next 90 days, presumably as an incentive to buy a lot of Photoguard type pages (I really do have a lot of binders that need Photoguard pages). The second call was from a polite woman who would again see about getting my Photoguard type pages to me, but then she went on further, trying to pry out of me my credit card information, which I shut down as I had already paid for these pages. When I asked her for her address, she fumbled around, and finally came up with the Roll Drive address. She assured me that it was her company's address and that she was there. Uh, no. Finally, I received a call from a man still wanting me to pursue business with the company. I ended that quickly.

    So, now for the good news. After much waiting, FDM finally received a shipment of Photoguard pages, of which I immediately ordered a sampling. I received them a couple of days ago and the quality is excellent. The Mexican plant had very inconsistent quality, with the pages frequently being wavy. These from China are flat. Beautiful. See next reply for contact information.


  5. #15

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

    Dear All,

    I wasn't trying to be cute - my original message exceeded the capacity for a single message.

    Contact information for Light Impressions is as follows:

    Light Impressions
    100 Carlson Rd.
    Rochester, NY 14610


  6. #16

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    New Jersey

    Re: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

    The company which seems to be closest to Light Impressions in terms of both products and location is Archival Methods, which is located in Henrietta, NY (which I think is near Rochester, but I haven't looked it up). Archival Methods carries many similar products to Light Impressions; I have twice met their rep at the PhotoPro Expo in NYC, and on several occasions have ordered matte board (2- and 4-ply) as well as storage boxes and interleaving paper. The transactions all went through smoothly, and the product quality is high. From my perspective, they are an excellent replacement for Light Impressions, which many of us stopped using because of problematic service. Given their location, and the similarities in their catalogs, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the employees or founders of Archival Methods had worked at or with Light impressions, but to repeat, Archival Methods is a different company with none of the problems we were experiencing with L.I.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    southwest PA, USA

    Re: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

    This place - - has been great for getting some of the stuff I used to get from Light Impressions. The matboard is the same as the old stuff, I think.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

    Dear Peter and Winger,

    Somewhere along the line the size and holes in the sheet lifters were changed. The sheet lifters were reduced in size and the holes changed from round to elongated. Those familiar with the Photoguard pages know that, at least for the pages that hold 4" x 6" photos, the pages will tend to sag if the albums are stored upright. I use 2 sheet lifters to minimize this sag. The new design, which is smaller, defeats this purpose. Further, with elongated holes, one can't count on the album rings to keep the photo lifters, themselves, from sagging. I mentioned my concerns in this area to Light Impressions.

    In the meantime, I ordered today the 2 available sheet lifters offered by Archival Methods based on recommendations in this thread. The size is right, but, alas, the holes are elongated. If anyone knows of where I might obtain versions with round holes, I'd much appreciate it.

    Perhaps Lumier Photo offers what I need. Winger? I am always happy to learn of alternative sources. The key points of my messages were that the company/companies that give their address as being on Roll Drive have an extremely dubious business track record and that Light Impressions, owned by FDM, is trying to make a comeback. Both of you mention packing material. Reproducing Photoguard pages, I would think, is an extra order of complexity. It took FDM about 2 years to get to this point.


  9. #19

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Canyon Country, California

    Re: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Lewin View Post
    The company which seems to be closest to Light Impressions in terms of both products and location is Archival Methods, ... The transactions all went through smoothly, and the product quality is high. From my perspective, they are an excellent replacement for Light Impressions, ... Archival Methods is a different company with none of the problems we were experiencing with L.I.
    I've only had one small transaction with Archival Methods, but I can "second" Peter's experience.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Hampton, VA

    Re: Is this a resurrection of the old Light Impressions

    I have ordered from Archival Methods multiple times; never any issues whatsoever.


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