Hello, I am brand new to LF photography, so new infact, that my camera is still on its way to me.

I have wanted a 4x5 for quite some time. Last week I finally won a Calumet CC400 on ebay. It comes with everything but a lens unfortunately.
I am wondering if anyone has any tips or knows of any quirks that this particular model has. It also comes with a shade a one film holder and one 545 polaroid back.

I am also wondering what type of pack film back will fit this camera, I intend on using peel apart till I am familiar with the format and due to the fact I already have many packs of 100 type film, plus it is cheaper than 4x5.

My final question will be the most difficult, I am wanting to shoot mostly portraits/ model based photos, my problem is that I am on a budget as far as equipment goes, what is a good lens for this style of photography when you are on a budget?The lensboard is Copal No. 0. Is there a lens that will work well for landscape and model photography?

If I left anything out that you think may help me please let me know.
Thank, Dan