Quote Originally Posted by Professional View Post
I bought 72XL for a purpose, and good you mentioned between 72 and 90, that is exactly the thing i know about even without using both, so i know when that 72 is the better choice and even sometimes i want to go wider than that, but another times that 72 or even 90mm are really too wide, and thus i wanted something in between 72 and 150mm, and another one longer than 150mm when that 150mm isn't enough reach or narrower FOV for use, you got the point.
If you want something "in between", then keeping to a "stop sequence" is a possibility. From 72 to 150 is about x2. So trying a lens with a factor x1.4 might be a good idea. That would be a something around 100. So a 90 or 105 would be a candidate.