Hi all,

So, finally I’ve upgraded myself from a toilet darkroom to an actual basement darkroom and first I’ve ordered a proper enlarger as using Intrepid enlarger kit is very fiddly.

As I’m planning to start printing colour our as well, I went for dichrom Mk2 head however that has created a problem now. I do not know how to use color head for split grade BW printing. I’m reading Ilford Multigrade paper documents but they give Durst or Kodak numbers and I believe De Vere is under Kodak. Then it gives some yellow and magenta numbers which I understand that I need adjust on the enlarger head. How about cyan channel, does that not effect the grade at all? Also if this proves to be complicated for me, I might go for under lens filter system which I’m used to now but then the question is, can I get a pure white light from a color enlarger to use under lens filters?

PS enlarger and the sink have not been delivered so I’m trying to learn everything until then.

Sorry for this basic questions.
Many thanks,