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Thread: Kodak announces plans to sell consumer film division

  1. #121

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: Kodak announces plans to sell consumer film division

    Quote Originally Posted by rdenney View Post
    Selling off the branding might be the only strategy for survival.
    ... and it could be a short-term strategy, and not even a short-term strategy for film survival. Only time (or a fly-on-the-boardroom-wall) would know.

  2. #122

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Re: Kodak announces plans to sell consumer film division

    Quote Originally Posted by Sal Santamaura View Post
    Since I notified everyone here about B&H's decision to stock 8x10 TMY...they've had no need to reorder it from Kodak. Of the original 271 boxes, 85 remain in stock...B&H has sold much more 8x10 320TXP in that almost 7-month period; I can recall them replenishing it on at least three occasions, each time going from somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 boxes back to near 275 boxes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Relatively low demand compared to TMY. Each time I ordered some 8x10 TMY it came in a different batch code, so was being coated frequently...
    During this year, demand for 320TXP has been substantially higher than for TMY. Perhaps TMY's price ($30 more than 320TXP per 10-sheet box, both at B&H) has exceeded what a large part of the market will pay for it.

  3. #123
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Kodak announces plans to sell consumer film division

    Is that cumulative, Sal, or just what B&H has done? But I do admit, I personally paid substantially less for TMY than the going rate at the moment. And I know that a single
    industrial user bought up two entire lots of TMX 8x10 in a row. The really tough one is
    color 8x10. Glad I packed my freezer when it was going for half the current price.

  4. #124

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    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Re: Kodak announces plans to sell consumer film division

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Is that cumulative, Sal, or just what B&H has done?...
    I've only been watching the turnover at B&H, but it is probably the largest retailer of these items in the country and should be fairly representative of the market as a whole. Besides, I'm unaware of any other dealer offering 8x10 TMY as single-box open stock, so other retail sales of 8x10 320TXP would only make the demand imbalance this year greater.

    I think color film won't be long for this world. Anyone stockpiling it for the long term would do well to develop a skill at formulating associated processing chemistry from scratch. Commercial soups likely won't be sold for too long when the film disappears.

  5. #125
    Drew Wiley
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    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Kodak announces plans to sell consumer film division

    Sal - I was told by a friend who not long ago visited B&H in person that their stock of actual film is far less than it once was (but seems to have been increased in the meantime). I was buying my own 8x10 films elsewhere when they had virtually nothing, so
    no, I wouldn't consider them to be a reflex of the overall pattern itself, just part of it.
    Still plenty of color film being sold and developed around here, in every format except 5x7.
    I don't see any sign of that ending soon. Kodak should have enough momentum to keep
    going awhile, and perhaps survive film mfg IF they can play their cards right. Even Kodachrome had someone to process it right until the bitter end. Perhaps a few bricks are
    still around, but they'd be a miniscule percentage of the overall product that was sold.
    But yes, evolution is the name of the game. I'm not personally worried, because I imagine
    I'll be a pretty old geezer anyway when things wind down, and if I have to, can always
    shift into exclusively black and white work. Just saw Ron Partridge's son-in-law a minute
    ago, who lives with him, and he's still platinum printing in his 90's. Hope my fingers hold up
    that well.

  6. #126

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Kodak announces plans to sell consumer film division

    Their film-business is profitable, they have a fairly new and productive fab in Rochester and they have unique know-how in a technical field which can be used in other (non-photographic) applications as well.

    They need a long-term investor and independence from the shareholder-value based management.

    What about a group of enthusiasts? People from Hollywood, wealthy film-loving professionals - Mr. Spielberg alone could propably afford to buy it and transfer it into a foundation.

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: Kodak announces plans to sell consumer film division

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Sal - I was told by a friend who not long ago visited B&H in person that their stock of actual film is far less than it once was (but seems to have been increased in the meantime).
    You can't tell anything by visiting the store, other than that the walk-in trade isn't interested in film any more. They've cut way back on in-store stock accordingly. If you probe the website per Sal's approach, the warehouse is still pretty well stocked.

  8. #128

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Kodak announces plans to sell consumer film division

    Right, in the old days you could run down to B&W from your loft and keep shooting that 8x10 job. Nowadays the people who buy 8x10 film are all over the world, not so much in the former Photo District.

  9. #129
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Kodak announces plans to sell consumer film division

    I have no idea if 8x10 film is still being stocked much in SF or not. I never drive over there
    anymore. 8x10 b&w, and 4x5 everything is still avail right in the immediate neighborhood.
    Some of the colleges, as well as UCB, still seem to use a lot, and there's still quite a bit of
    amateur use. Lot of color RA4 paper too. Most studio photographers are obviously under
    the "need-it-yesterday" syndrome that now comes with digital preview options, but some
    apparently want to find a specialized niche by offering film too. It's pretty complicated
    and competitive, as photography as a living always has been. The average website and
    wedding photographer could probably use a cell phone and nobody would know the difference; but there are still a few real pros in that market too who prefer to do things
    the right way, and unlike the wannabees, make a good living at it too.

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