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Thread: Fotokemika shuts down paper manufacture

  1. #1

    Fotokemika shuts down paper manufacture

    I was on the phone with a salesperson from Fotokemika today and they will soon cease production of all of their films and papers. No more Efke

  2. #2
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
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    Re: Fotokemika shuts down film and paper manufacture

    Uh oh, time to buy up IR sheet film! Sheesh, I'm going to have to make room in my freezer, like it or not! (I don't care for the rest of their line, but the IR sheet film is unique.)
    "It's the way to educate your eyes. Stare. Pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long." - Walker Evans

  3. #3
    Roger Cole's Avatar
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    Suburbs of Atlanta
    Damn. Ditto on the IR. Been meaning to try it.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Fotokemika shuts down film and paper manufacture

    this isn't good timing!
    why couldn't this happen when I was knee deep in paychecks?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
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    This blows if true. I really like their pl25 sheet film. I guess I'll have to adapt.

  6. #6
    westernlens al olson's Avatar
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    Re: Fotokemika shuts down film and paper manufacture

    This is a shock. I was counting on Efke being around until the end. This thins out the competition for the film shooter's buck. Maybe it will encourage some of the other manufacturers stay in business.

    At Efke's prices I can't afford to load up my freezer with their infrared. Maybe a box or two. Efke seemed quite popular, I can't believe they are losing money. I will be doing more of my infrared work with the Bronica and Ilford's SFX.

  7. #7
    Roger Cole's Avatar
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    Re: Fotokemika shuts down film and paper manufacture

    Do they make the Adox papers? I haven't shot their IR yet though I'd like to do so (and maybe one of the other makers will bring out an IR film in sheets - and a better one than the Rollei in rolls - if they go away) but I really like Adox MCC 110.

    I will also miss Freestyle's Arista Silver Artist paper, which is rumored to be Varycon emulsion, if they can't get it coated elsewhere. I tried a pack of the 8x10 and really like it for some images so I got a pack of 11x14. Now they only list the gray base (which I didn't want and didn't try) even though they said the stuff, at least the white base, was a big hit. I have about 15 sheets or so of the 8x10 and the unopened 10 sheet pack of the 11x14.

  8. #8
    IanG's Avatar
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    Re: Fotokemika shuts down film and paper manufacture

    i think you need to blance EFKE possibly shutting against the far higher quality coating plant that Fotoimpex are involved with in Geramany.

    EFKE had some bad quality issues when J&C took materials regardless of the QC, Fotoimpex put in their own QC before continuing selling under their Adox brand name. The old german machinery Dupont sold EFKE in the early 70's is way past it's prime and as Fotoimpex took most of EFKE's production they are probably better off coating in Germany on relatively new machinery/coating lines.

    It's important to remember that Foma was relatively unknown a few years ago yet in recent years it's been much easier for me to buy Foma B&W films off the shelf than Kodak. (South America, Turkey etc), that's just how the markets changing.


  9. #9
    Roger Cole's Avatar
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    So Fotoimpex coats Adox in Germany and won't be affected? No effect on Foma either, correct?

    The relationships between these brands are very hard to sort out and keep straight.

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Re: Fotokemika shuts down film and paper manufacture

    It could just be a rumor too. Nothing on LF-Rookie either, I'm sure he heard something from someone and he's just trying to pass the word. I think I'd wait and see if this is corroborated by a few more sources before I started blowing my life savings on Efke.

    In any case, Ilford says they're in it for the long haul and should be making film and paper for at least the next 20 years. I sure hope that's true!

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