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Thread: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

  1. #21
    Deardorff Sales and service
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    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Ok.....Just for the hell of it I took the mount off a dead Nikon F and machined a larger hole in a Calumet recessed lens board and mounted it on a 1940 Speed Graphic. I put my 50mm 1.2 on it and focused it just fine. It gives an interesting image on the glass. The shutter is erratic since I have not used the camera for 30 years or so and I'm out of film right now, But it does work.
    Ken Hough Deardorff Refinisher since 1982
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  2. #22

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Quote Originally Posted by Darin Boville View Post
    Maybe a troll, but I never thought of using SLR lens for macro on a view camera. Aside from the convenience issues, are there technical advantages to using one vs using a regular macro lens designed for LF?

    Convenience depends on the SLR mount system's auto diaphragm system. I'm familiar only with Exakta (external automation) and Nikon F mounts. Lenses for Nikon F mount will stop down to the aperture set when off the camera. Exakta mount auto diaphragm lenses stay wide open when off the camera, but I think can be held at the aperture set with a locking cable release.

    I said that the 55/2.8 MicroNikkor (mine is an AIS, goes to 1:2 on its own mount) is, when reversed and stopped to f/4, very competitive with a 63/4.5 Luminar wide open. Amend that to "on 2x3, beats my 63 Luminar by test from 2:1 - 6:1." We have a late 55/3.5 MicroNikkor in the house but I've never tried it reversed above 1:1. Jean-Phillipe Amans, who posts on the French LF forum, says that the f/3.5 is better used than way than the f/2.8. I don't particularly respect J-Ph so doubt his result. But since I haven't tested I could well be wrong. FWIW, several centuries ago I discussed these results with Brian Caldwell, who tells me that the 55/2.8 MicroNikkor AIS is diffraction limited at the center of the field t(not across the field) by f/4.

    Technical advantages? Well, around 55 mm there's little better from 1:2 (will cover 2x3, won't cover 4x5) to 8:1 than a reversed 55/2.8 MicroNikkor AIS shot at f/4.

    IMO, the big advantage is cost. If you don't have a 63 Luminar, you can get equivalent performance and working distance for considerably less money.

    Huge caveat. All of the major SLR manufacturers and third-party lens makers have offered macro lenses for 35 mm SLRs with focal lengths in the range 50 - 60 mm. All are pretty good when used as intended but I have no idea how any but the one I have will do reversed above 1:1. If you have one, tape it to a shutter -- a #1 will do -- and try it out.

    Hints: I use mine on an skgrimes adapter (male 52x0.75 to screw into the lens' filter threads at one end, male 40x0.75 to screw into a #1 at the other). On copy stand, quick working isn't so important and I have ample illumination so I focus at taking aperture. If I needed to focus wide open without risking moving the rig out of alignment when I stopped down, I'd use a BR-4 ring and a dual cable release. I don't shoot above 2:1 on 2x3 in the field, too much goes wrong every shot, so don't use the MicroNikkor or any of my Luminars on a Graphic in the field.

  3. #23

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    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Petronio View Post
    This guy has to be a troll, it reminds me of the time I told people my view camera was broken because the images were upside down and people fell all over themselves to explain basic camera optics.
    They thought you had problems? Not only is my image upside down, it's back to front as well.

  4. #24

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    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    This is the dumbest thread ever... and I STILL replied.

  5. #25

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    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Fromm View Post
    How, pray, does one get to the lens to adjust its aperture?
    Using the same linkages the camera uses to adjust it, would work fine with my old PK lenses.

    I know it's not a convenient arrangement but a single mount could be suitable for all of a Togs SLR lenses (mine cover multiple filter sizes) and it would allow a fish eye to mount (most have no filter ring). If nothing else after focusing & framing the front lens board could be removed to adjust the aperture then refitted.

    I suspect quite a few LF Togs also have SLR set-ups even if they don't use them anymore. So re-using 35mm lenses is a cheap option - a little awkwardness is not such a big price to pay, LF is not a high speed photography option after all!

  6. #26

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    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Jonathan View Post
    This is the dumbest thread ever... and I STILL replied.
    I don't agree with you about every post in the thread, but will gladly chip in to buy a cake for post #25.

  7. #27

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    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjaminxon View Post
    Is it possible?

    I've grown weary of the dreary digital age but I've got a couple very nice prime nikon lenses an im wondering (after googling high and low) if there exists or is even Possible a a lens board/adapter that allows for me to utilize my prime lenses on my grown graphic?

    Any answers would be wonderful, especially if it includes a, 'yes! And heres a link'

    Thank you very much for any information.
    Waste of time. The Nikkors won't come close to covering 4x5. No shutters, either.
    One man's Mede is another man's Persian.

  8. #28
    Jim Jones's Avatar
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    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Quote Originally Posted by E. von Hoegh View Post
    Waste of time. The Nikkors won't come close to covering 4x5. No shutters, either.
    Then 8mm movie camera lenses should be even more difficult to use, but they do give full frame coverage when reverse mounted on a 4x5, and lots of magnification. Resolution of a good 8mm lens suffers in this application when stopped down for more DOF.

  9. #29
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    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Quote Originally Posted by Darin Boville View Post
    Maybe a troll, but I never thought of using SLR lens for macro on a view camera. Aside from the convenience issues, are there technical advantages to using one vs using a regular macro lens designed for LF?
    We all have to learn this somehow. For me, it was when, as a young teen, I thought I could make a bigger enlargement using a 50mm enlarging lens (intended for 35mm) to enlarge a 6x6 negative. Yes, the image was bigger. But only the 2"-diameter circle in the middle of the frame was projected. That's when I realized that a 50mm lens for large format has to have a really wide field, while a 50mm lens for 35mm can have a narrow field.

    So, even our Deardorff builder who has the wherewithal to fit the lens to the board will still end up with a 2" circle in the middle of the 4x5 negative. At 1:1, the circle will be 4" in diameter.

    Now, turning a "full-frame fisheye" for 6x6 into a "circular fisheye" for 4x5? That's another matter.

    Rick "it's why the 47mm Schneider LF lens is a Super Angulon XL and not a Plain-Ole-Symmar" Denney

  10. #30
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    some of the older longer focal length Leica lenses will cover 4x5 I am tokld. These would be in the tthe 90mm and 135mm Elmars and the early Telyets. I could be wrong as this is anicdotal. However these lenses were designed to work with the glass elements mounted in a focusing mount and used with accessory mirror box (Visoflex), so there might be enough working room for a bellows camera.

    But again, you will need a camera body with a focal plane shutter.

    A Graflex Reflex with Leica lenses sounds interesting . . .

    In the end, it will be easier to sell-off or trade the SLR lenses and buy something that will work without drama..
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

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