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Thread: Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 1999

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    Andre, Have you thought of getting rid of the changing bag and investing in a changing tent - no, not one of the horrendously expensive harrison jobs (as nice as I'm sure thay are!) but a Calumet? I got one and it really does the job! Like the harrison the arm holes are on the front panel and it is made of a double skin - silver outside and a black inner. It is simple to set up, you just untwist it , a bit like the lastolite reflectors, et voila a changing tent plenty big enough for changing film. Check out Calumets web site for dimensions and a pic, also it comes in a zip up pouch and is super light although it doesnt fold small - but ok for in a car/hotel etc. I paid about #55 UK pounds for mine and am very pleased. Regards Paul

  2. #12

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    why would a cat need hairspray?

  3. #13
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    Dan, you are right. I did precisely that, and the other tips above too, like using the dull edged blade. Things went much easier second time around.

    Paul, definitely gonna get one of those tents very soon. I am a masochist. I wanted to suffer through using a bag designed for pulling 35mm cameras, so I could then savour the relative ease of using a proper tent. Andre

  4. #14

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    the cheaper tents (photoflex,calumet) are not guaranteed to be light tight. if you get one test it. don't use in bright light or leave your film out in them until you're sure. some people i know who use them always drape a heavy black cloth over it. harrison and shadow box tents are much better but much more expensive.

  5. #15

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    I don't understand the problem. I have no darkroom and have loaded and unloaded film holders in a standard changing bag for years, with no problems. But I don't think I have ever loaded or unloaded more than six holders at one time, usually four or less. Maybe he is trying to do too many at one time?

  6. #16

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?


    when one buys a photoflex changing room new there is a printed warning advising the product is not guaranteed to be light tight. this is one of the many reasons i use shadow boxes. a great many people use the photoflex without problems, though.

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