Starting a new thread, as not to pollute the long running "Re: Some Soft Focus Lens Sales Information" thread.

In that thread, Stevben Tribe noted about a just-sold Puyo lens:

Quote Originally Posted by Steven Tribe View Post
Interesting contribution to Puyo knowledge.
It looks as though there was a free-for-all after Darlot (and the people who took over Darlot) lost interest in Puyo design. Must have been another maker, who unlike "Ligny", didn't have the courage to put his name or town on it!
Which got me to thinking... I've heard a few tales of "mis-engraved" lenses from that period: non-Darlots being engraved as Darlots, (which surprised me, as Darlots weren't the "big money" lenses at the time), and Garrett and I speculated a few months back about a Dallmeyer Portrait Lens that didn't quite look like a Dallmeyer.

As the old lenses were often sold unengraved to distributors who would sometimes then engrave them or sell them unmarked to individuals who could have them engraved, it seems the temptation, at least would be there.

And at a time when smaller lens makers could still make a go of it, it could be that some decided to make their own Puyos, Pullignies, or Voigtlanders.

Does anyone know of, or own, vintage lenses that you know or suspect aren't what they're engraved to be?