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Thread: B&L 40" 1016 f5.6 telephoto

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2010

    Thumbs down B&L 40" 1016 f5.6 telephoto

    Dear knowledgeable people

    A friend of mine just moved to another town and, as a gift for me, left behind a B&L 40" 1016 mm focal length telephoto lens with "VA 8611" on the outer ring around the lens. I'm an amateur astronomer, not a photographer per se, and have no idea what this lens is. I have seen references in these posts to someone mounting one on a "Big Bertha" Graflex SLR vintage camera.

    So can anyone tell me what I've got?



  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Westminster, MD

    Re: B&L 40" 1016 f5.6 telephoto

    A big lens.

    Now you need a camera to go with it. Of course you could always give it to me since I have a Tele-Graflex camera.

    A gift that keeps on gifting. HA!
    When I grow up, I want to be a photographer.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2010

    Thumbs down Re: B&L 40" 1016 f5.6 telephoto

    Thanks for your post. I'm an astronomer and I just sunk a load of do-re-mi into that, so I'd be for selling the B&L 40". Is it worth much?

  4. #4

    Re: B&L 40" 1016 f5.6 telephoto

    made in 1944 as per B&L code system
    Klaus for macro and special lens info for UV Images and lens/filter info my UV diary

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: B&L 40" 1016 f5.6 telephoto

    Klaus, to put a fine point on it your date codes are wildly inconsistent with many B&L lenses that can be dated by other means. I think your source for the data was having you on. Keeping the lists on line is, in my opinion, irresponsible.

  6. #6

    Re: B&L 40" 1016 f5.6 telephoto

    This is an aerial camera lens, possibly of WWII vintage or 1950s. It was designed to cover 9x9 in. or possibly 9x18 in. It is probably optimized for use with a red or yellow filter. If you were to use it as a telescope with an eyepiece on-axis performance would only be so-so. Might make an OK astro-camera if you scare up some fast 8x10 plates :-))

  7. #7
    8x20 8x10 John Jarosz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Fairfax Iowa

    Re: B&L 40" 1016 f5.6 telephoto

    How big and how much does this weigh? If it covers 9x18 then it probably covers 8x20. If it's a true telephoto then infinity focus would be artound 20". That could be a fun lens for some mountain photography. or for wide open spaces of any type. Do you have a photo of it? I could be interested........ :-o


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: B&L 40" 1016 f5.6 telephoto

    I had one of those a few years ago, sold it on Ebay...$150 was the highest bid. The one I sold had a mount for 35mm.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Berkeley CA

    Re: B&L 40" 1016 f5.6 telephoto

    I have one of those, but the f/8 version. Got an "elbow" telescope surplus, the kind with a nearly 2" eyepiece, cut its objective off and connected it to the 40" lens with some PVC pipe. Makes a very nice spotting scope of about 18-20 power. This not a high resolution lens, supposidly made for contact printing of perhaps 18X18, so it won't make a very high power telescope.

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