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Thread: latest projects ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    latest projects ?

    anyone have long term or short term projects they are working on ?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: latest projects ?

    Yep. Portraits of classical musicians.

    And I've been thinking about doing a series of pictures that incorporate pieces of camera equipment in the photo. Still noodling on that one.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Syracuse, NY

    Re: latest projects ?

    I'm just about finished with a volunteer project to document a historic candle factory in Syracuse--the company has been here since the 1850s, and they've been in this factory since 1912; now they're moving to Tennessee. I made a few sets of 29 fiber contact prints on mount cards; I just finished the labeling and mounting, and I'll deliver a set of the prints to the local historical society in the next week or so.

  4. #4
    Claudio Santambrogio
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    At home

    Re: latest projects ?

    Just some technical ambitions I am currently working on: albumen prints; and longer term is starting wet plate photography.

  5. #5
    Eirik Berger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Oslo, Norway

    Re: latest projects ?

    For several reasons I had to put carbon printing on hold a year ago (flooded workshop is one of them) but after managing to get very good digital negatives and managing to get good prints out of my own carbon tissue made of fine grinded coal, I really want to start doing that again. I just need to get another way of exposing the prints, since the good old plateburner "drowned".

    When it comes to photography I have in particular one project that I will finish the coming year. I am moving back to the northern part of Norway in February, after several years on Svalbard, and I will pick up a project i started in 2001. I will continue to document old objects in northern Norway, houses, cars, entire abandoned settlements, factories, fisheries. This will end up as a book where every spread will consist of two things. An image of the "object" of today on the left page and a short text on the right page. The text will be a fragment of a story describing a situation that could have happened when the photographed object was in its glory days.

    The images will all be in BW and done in large format, maybe some in 6x9. Three of the images is here:

    All these three is taken with 8x10 Acros film developed in Artdol.
    Best regards,
    Eirik Berger

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: latest projects ?

    I have a seasonal project that has me photographing strangers in state parks (on winter break just now). It's kinda "high concept" in that it explores what people are willing to volunteer (their images and information) to total strangers within a five minute window. I don't tell them how to pose and the shots are accompanied by text of our interactions. Examples:

    Are Jeff and Cindy dressed up because they're coming back from a party?
    No, we're here to take their school pictures because they want so much to do it at school.
    Yeah, $18.00 and all you get is an 8x10, a couple 5x7's and a few wallets.
    I see....

    He's beautiful, is that your grandson?
    Yes, our daughter is in the army and married a black man there.
    Well, he really is beautiful.
    He sure is. And see how he got the nice straight hair?
    Yes, I see..


    Now, I'll need you to sign the model release since Julie isn't quite 18 yet...
    Well, um.... ya know... actually, I can't read.
    Oh. No problem. But I'd like to make sure a family member knows what it says, so maybe your daughter could read it for you?
    Well, she reads her numbers pretty good, but the letters....
    I see. I'm sure we'll get through it together.

    Is that a 4x5 camera?
    Yes, it is, you know your photo equipment!
    My father had one.
    Yeah, he was a photographer -- he had all kinds of cameras. My father was a photographer.
    I see...

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: latest projects ?

    If I can get my rear in gear, I'll be photographing some ice climbers.
    All I need is the time.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Cool Re: latest projects ?

    Confluence parks in whole plate (portrait format).

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    New Zealand

    Re: latest projects ?

    I'm plugging away at a series on rural New Zealand churches. Specifically ones of wooden construction built in the late 1800's - early 1900's. The frustrating part is the distance they all are apart (and away from me). But that combined with finding out where they all are is half the fun.

  10. #10
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    Re: latest projects ?

    I am working on a city arts commission, sort of a day in the life concept, for me a-day-in-landscape project, and also a new book on Petroglyph National Park.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

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