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Thread: Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

  1. #1

    Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

    I just got myself a Tachihara 4X5 from Adorama, along with some other accessories and a used Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM Super Angulon to go with it. I've had a bunch of trouble with it, first I couldn't seperate it from the old lens board, then I got it off, but there's still some sort of synthetic disk that needs to come off but won't budge. I've been messing around with it all afternoon and learned more about lenses than I have in years, but no luck actually solving the problem.

    Problem #2 is I see nothing resembling a shutter. No shutter speed ring with a big engraved "COPAL #0" to be seen. Adorama said one would be included.

    So I'll admit I'm pretty much lost at this point, this thing doesn't look like the other lenses I've seen pictures of. Any help would be appreciated, I can get pictures of this little beast if needed.

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sonora, California

    Re: Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

    hi and welcome.

    A picture would help alot here. Please post one if you can.

  3. #3
    Big Bend
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    San Antonio, Texas

    Re: Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

    Why beg for help here when you can complain, sorry, ask polite questions, directly to Adorama?

  5. #5

    Re: Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Fromm View Post
    Why beg for help here when you can complain, sorry, ask polite questions, directly to Adorama?
    I forget, I think it was something to do with the warm, friendly attitude of the place...

    I'm trying them, too, but even if the one person who reads my email there does know, they're probably not going to get back for a while.

    Joe, yes, it looks very similar to that, only a lot older.

    Brad, thank you, and the picture is attatched

  6. #6

    Re: Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

    Good news and bad news.

    The bad news first. I don't think that lens has a shutter. Sinar has an electronic shutter that goes between the lens and the film and I think what you have is for that camera.

    Good news. It is probably worth more than a normal lens just because it says Sinar on it and is for that special camera. Beyond that althogh Adorama does such a dismal job of identifying what they sell lately, they are very good about giving you your money back.

  7. #7

    Re: Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

    well that's great....

    do you think this would be a decent substitute? it'd sure be nice if they had more info on the lenses, I don't know a whole lot about the brands...

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

    that optar is a normal lens while the SA 90 is a wide angle, also I wouldn't pay more than $40 for that optar. I suggest looking on the B&S here (I don't know that you have access to that just yet), APUG, or ebay. KEH can have some decent deals as well (along with the best selection I expect). If you are looking for lenses I suggest doing a search here, most of them have been discussed to death (in other words there is a lot of info to be had with a little digging).

    Edit: I would also return that 90 to adorama, did you go to their store or did you buy it off their website? If you bought it in person I would be irate, you are not familiar with this sort of gear so I can understand you not knowing the details about some version of these shutters, but if a sales person sold you that....

  9. #9

    Re: Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

    nah, it was online, just innocent incompetence. I really need a lens by the 10th, do you know if the Kodak Ektar 127 is any good? I'll look in the places you mentioned as well, thank you...

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Schneider-Kreuznach F/8 90MM S.Angulon missing shutter?

    The Ektar 127 is a very nice lens, but it barely covers 4X5. If you don't need much in the way of movements it will be fine but if you do any significant movements than you will run out of coverage quickly.

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