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Thread: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

  1. #61

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    White Lake, Ontario.

    Re: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

    Well, no more than 15 minutes ago I went to my local bookstore and bought the current VC. I have done this since day one of the magazine and I own every single issue. It is now the only magazine I buy every issue. It's just one of those things I haven't gotten tired of yet.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Petronio View Post
    Sometimes I actually consider subscribing and contributing to VC -- until I read Steve's responses on these sorts of threads and decide to pass.

    i had a subscription and cancelled / didn't renew for the same reason.

  3. #63

    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

    Quote Originally Posted by steve simmons View Post
    This thread is about View Camera magazine. I am happy to hear any constructive comments - good, bad or indifferent.

    I appreciate all the comments that have been made and the time people have taken to make them.


    Clearly not:

    Re: View Camera
    Obviously from a man with more opinions than knowledge. His exposure to View Camera is when he can 'pinch', which in most useage means steal, a copy from someone else. Clearly no ethics or integrity.

    His web site is all about old equipment and nothing about images.

    As far as the quality of our reproductions they are good enough for George Tice, Paul Caponigro, David Muench, John Sexton, etc. to happily be in the magazine on multiple occasions. That speaks much more than anything this unknown can say.

    As far as the size of our readership in the UK the 140 copies does not include those that have an online subscription and he does not even consider these people at all. In fact, since Mike took over the UK distribution the circulation has increased and continues to do so. To us, and to Mike, those 140 people are very important. There is also retail distribution in the UK as well that is independent of Mike Walker.

    No knowledge, but lots of opinions.

    steve simmons

    I honestly wouldn't have bothered to comment on the print quality compared to other popular magazines if I'd realise you were so easily offended by the suggestion that you check what other magazines are out there.

  4. #64

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

    Constructive comments are usually best if they come from an informed source. The one I commented on that I am not being ??? for did not.

    He claimed we had a distribution in the UK of 140 copies. This is untrue. What I said was that we send 140 issue to Mike Walker for his distribution to his subscribers. We also have retail distribution in the UK as well as people from the UK with online subscriptions. To infer that with only 140 copies being distributed in the UK is something that is not very important to us was and is presumptuous and simply innaccurate. Je jas jad the View Camera logo on his site since Feb 07. At the moment he is redoing his web site so a lot of things are not there - for a short moment only.

    We frequently get criticized for our reproductions. Yet, all of the name photographers, who have lots of experience getting their work published in books, magazines, catelogues, etc. have been very happy with the quality of reproductions in our publications. We don't have hyped up, over digitized, artificial reproductions in our publication. All of the portfolio pieces are four color reproductions. The black and whites are CMYK quadtones from curves Stephen Johnson helped me build many years ago. They are reproduced at 300dpi which is as good or better than all but the high priced art magazines. If you take a magnifier to the photos you will see the CMYK dot pattern.

    steve simmons

  5. #65
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    Aug 1997
    San Jose, CA

    Re: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

    I do not intend to generalize my expectations to others, but let me say that although I may not be a "name photographer" (yet :-)), I have photographs published in hundreds of publications worldwide. In each case, what matters the most is the check, and the credit added to my CV. Except in the (rare) case of monographs, I do not care that much about reproduction quality. In fact, in many cases, I do not even get a copy of the publication.

    On the other hand, if I buy a publication, it is for my enjoyment, and this enjoyment is greatly reduced by poor reproduction. Just to give an example, although I greatly admire Burstynsky's work, I did not get Manufactured Landscapes because the reproduction was unsatisfactory to my eye.

    If the readers complain frequently about the reproduction quality, maybe it would be a good idea to listen to them ? The goal should be to please readers, rather than authors.

  6. #66

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

    If the readers complain frequently about the reproduction quality, maybe it would be a good idea to listen to them ? The goal should be to please readers, rather than authors.

    This statement seems to imply that readers and authors are different groups of people. This is not the case. Everyone that was profiled and shown in the May/June issue has contacted me to tell me how nice the issue looked, how pleased they were with the reproductions of their work, etc. They are also either subscribers and/or regular retail buyers. This is a regular occurrence after each issue and one of the many reasons we are able to show the work of well known and up and coming photographers. We also get compliments whenever I go to photo festivals, portfolio reviews, trade shows and conferences, etc.

    We can not and will not please everyone all the time. No such luck. I also realize that there are people who will knock anything positive just because they can. That's life.

    steve simmons

  7. #67

    Re: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Petronio View Post
    Sometimes I actually consider subscribing and contributing to VC -- until I read Steve's responses on these sorts of threads and decide to pass.
    I actually met him in person and decided never to give him a cent of my money, right then and there.

    Regards, Art.

  8. #68

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

    Art and I have never met.

    steve simmons

  9. #69

    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

    Quote Originally Posted by steve simmons View Post
    Art and I have never met.

    steve simmons
    Well have you ever met Bob Alden then? (careful - it's a trick question)...

  10. #70

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: View Camera Magazine suggestions?

    No, have not met him either.

    steve simmons

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