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Thread: Woo from Phoenix

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Phoenix, AZ

    Woo from Phoenix

    Just joined the forum to learn more about LF photography. Been wanting to get into it for awhile and now am ready to plunk down some money to actually do it.

    Any suggestions as to reading material especially books would be appreciated. I have darkroom experience but only with 35mm b&w and that was a few years ago.

    I am primarily interested in macro and close-up studio work though I do on occasion venture into other areas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Nyack NY

    Re: Woo from Phoenix

    Steve Simmons Book is a great resource for any LF shooter. I have one that stays on my coffee table.

  3. #3
    Richard M. Coda
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Scottsdale, AZ

    Re: Woo from Phoenix

    Welcome Nick, from Scottsdale!

    You should talk to Rod Klukas at Photomark (20th & McDowell) in Phoenix. He's the LF guy out here. He also teaches a class at SCC on Wednesday nights. He's at Photomark Tues-Sat. (602) 244-1133

    Photographs by Richard M. Coda
    my blog
    Primordial: 2010 - Photographs of the Arizona Monsoon
    "Speak softly and carry an 8x10"
    "I shoot a HYBRID - Arca/Canham 11x14"

  4. #4
    lenser's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Tim from Missouri

    Re: Woo from Phoenix

    Steve's book is number one.

    Kodak put out a book in the sixties and seventies (ebay or Amazon) called Photography With Large Format Cameras. Also easy and excellent.

    Many others, but they would depend on your interests beyond the macro work.

    Keep in mind that you will encounter bellows factors for the macro work. If you don't account for the extra needed exposure, you will be drastically under exposed.

    Calumet and others offer kits that consist of a plastic chip that goes in the frame for viewing and a rule that you place against the ground glass. The scale on the rule is compared to the size of the chip on the GG and it automatically tells you how to adjust the exposure. Take the chip out before actually tkaing the image. Dirt cheap (less than the cost of two sheets of film and processing) and a lifesaver if you don't like math.

    Welcome to the world of real cameras.

    "One of the greatest necessities in America is to discover creative solitude." Carl Sandburg

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Phoenix, AZ

    Re: Woo from Phoenix

    Thanks all - its funny you mention Photomark I bought my first SLR from them a few years ago and now I drive by there every day on the way to my 9-5 job. I'll have to stop in there and have a talk with them all.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Kaneohe, Hawaii

    Re: Woo from Phoenix

    Hi Nick,

    Welcome from Hawaii. I used to live in Phoenix, which I thought was a wonderful town. I agree with everyones recommendations about Steve's book - it is one of my standards books as well.

  7. #7
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Rio Rancho, NM

    Re: Woo from Phoenix

    Welcome, Nick.

    If you haven't found it yet, check the "LF Home Page" link in the blue navigation bar. Lots of good info and articles, including one on LF macro.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Woo from Phoenix

    Welcome Nick, I would second contacting Rod at Photomark. I was there last week and he had several LF cameras on the floor. Don't recall much about them...remember one 8X10 and several 4X5s.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Phoenix, AZ

    Re: Woo from Phoenix

    Thanks again for the replies, stopped at Photomark to talk to them today - gotta call tomorrow to talk to Rob as he is only there when I am at work...

    I have established that a rail camera will probably be my best bet. Rob is apparently a big proponent of arca swiss whereas the person I talked to today likes KB Canham, which I had not read of until today... Lenses are another story...feel like I have a lot of reading to do. Thank you all.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Scottsdale, Arizona

    Re: Woo from Phoenix

    I would seriously consider Rod's large format class at SCC. You will learn a lot from that class. As for purchasing gear....Photomark is good, but you can find great deals on ebay and classifieds, here on this forum and at APUG forum..Rod also will do occassional workshops in the Phoenix area. Best of luck. Welcome to a very fun journey.

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