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Thread: beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller

  1. #1

    beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller

    I own a Beseler 45 MTX enlarger with a color head. On some books about B&W enlarging I found that a difussion VC head would be a much better option for B&W enlarging. But.
    I also found that this enlarging head needs a controller, does any know where can I find or order this controller?

  2. #2
    Eric Woodbury
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller

    If you mean a timer/controller for a coldlight, then these are available from RH designs and Metered Light (available through Calumet or direct 415.452.9923). HOwever, color heads work quite well for BW printing, even VC. Some folks here prefer them. VC coldlight heads are not as bright as your color head nor a standard V54 Aristo coldlight with filters. They are also quite expensive.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Baraboo, Wisconsin

    Re: beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller

    Assumig your color head is a standard color head with dichroic filters, you already have a VC diffusion head. In what way do you think a "diffusion VC" head (by which I assume you mean something like the Aristo VCL4500) would be better than what you have?
    Brian Ellis
    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do criticize them you'll be
    a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  4. #4

    Re: beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller

    Brian. Please correct me if I am wrong.
    The question is about the best option for managing variable contrast papers. The standard color head when filtered trying to match VC papers decrease in luminosity level and is not capable of giving the optimum level for high contrast enlargements, up to a point that some people suggest to use the white full luminosity and place color filters under the negative or under the lens.
    Universal VC head and the controller I am trying to find is supposed to be much better in this matter as it already has a dial with contrast grades to select, and most important, when filtered to match the VC grade the illumination output is high enough to handle large distances from lens to paper.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Baraboo, Wisconsin

    Re: beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller

    I owned an Aristo VCL 4500 head for many years It had a controller with a dial that was used to adjust contrast and it worked very well with VC papers. I also used an Omega color head (I don't recall the exact model) in school. It also worked very well with VC papers. The only difference between it and the VCL 4500 from a contrast adjustment standpoint was that instead of turning a dial to adjust contrasts the filter wheels were moved. As best I can remember the exposure times weren't radically different and both produced prints of sufficiently high contrast to suit my needs. But if the particular color head you're using requires that you use white luminosity and color filters in addition to the dichroic filters in order to gain the desired contrast, and if your exposure times are excessive with large prints, then you certainly might try something else.

    My only point was that in your original message you simply said that some books you read indicated that a "diffiusion VC head" would be a better option for b&w printing than your color head and I pointed out that a color head with dichroic filters is in fact a diffusion VC head. That's not to say the one you have works perfectly or suits all your needs or that some other head wouldn't be better for you. It's just saying that if you have a normal color head with dichroic filters then you already have a diffusion VC head.
    Brian Ellis
    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do criticize them you'll be
    a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    Re: beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller

    This is the 8573 - Universal 45 VC Controller you need. For this controller I think you only need to remove 2 filters in your color head. The head I have is set up for B&W only. It has three 250W bulbs and one clear filter. I did a bit of search but sorry can't find where you can get one... try B&H may be or post a wanted ad...

    good luck

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Virginia Beach, Va.

    Re: beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller

    There is also a ZONE VI VC cold light that comes up on occasion on ebay. They can go for from 800 to 1300 depending on the bidding. I got mine for 850 but I have seen them go for 1350. I absolutely love it. It gives complete control of soft and hard values in a print. Unfortunately Calumet no longer sells them new but when they did they cost around 1275 new.

  8. #8

    Re: beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller

    Dan. I guess the Beseler # 8573 could be what I need.
    Only question is, there is supposed to exist a color controller and a B&W controller, do have any info on this? I need the B&W.
    I just ordered the Universal VC head from B&H, but they are not offering the controller on their web site. Thanks a lot for the search. Now that I have the number I can work on that search.
    As soon as I have the head and controller running, I can try both color dichro head and Universal VC head and go back to Brian for a deep discussion.
    Thanks a lot to all.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    Re: beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller


    The information I give you are based on the user's manual I have, not from the Beseler

    I assumed that you have the Beseler Universal chamber/head like mine in the attached image. When I bought the enlarger I had 2 choices either the Color Controller or the B&W VC Controller, I could buy both, but I don't print color and I print only Black and White...

    According to the user's manual, I just need to change the controller and one filter if I want to switch to Color or Balck and White..... as in the name said "Universal"... the user do NOT need to change the chamber/head...

    so... why did you order VC head and you only need is the VC controller..? that's a lot money and you won't go nowhere without the controller...

    in the meantime you can print B&W with the Color head if you know how to do it...

  10. #10

    Re: beseler 45MTX Universal 45 VC head and B&W controller


    This is what I have at the moment. Color head and condenser head.
    The Universal VC head, I will receive next week, just have to find the timer controller, B&H replied it is no longer available from Beseler.
    Thanks for all your info.


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