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Thread: Film sheet 4x5 color

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Film sheet 4x5 color

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Printing positive chrome or slide film instead, onto these RA4 papers, is a different topic completely; and just like Koraks just hinted, requires a LOT of experience, and involves either making suitable internegatives from the chrome original first
    Yes, that too, but it's not what I was referring to. I'm sorry for not being clear enough on this, but I was talking about an in-camera RA4-paper reversal process. So load RA4 paper into film holder, expose and process in a reversal process to obtain a single, 'direct positive' print (which is mirrored). See also MartinP's comment above.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: Film sheet 4x5 color

    Quote Originally Posted by jeantique View Post
    Hi my name is Hans and I am happy to participate and receive advice and help in this group. I am looking to try to use color. I see that the prices are very expensive and difficult to find. How do you get used color film sheets or do you know if it is possible to do this with color photographic paper? Thanks for your help!
    When I use LF color film I just have it processed at a lab and printed at a laboratory who can deal with the non day to day intricacies of using the media. I am proficient using photo shop ( I have been using it since the 1990s, and I have a laboratory I trust ). I also completely bypass color film. I make tri-chromes with B/W film (more fun than color film) by making color separation negatives using RGB filters and panchromatic black and white film, I scan my RGB negatives, align them and stack the images in photo shop and create color images and again send them to my laboratory to be printed so I do not have to deal with the storage or disposal of nasty color chemistry. For the past 10 years+ I take all my color negative and diapositive film and develop it all using a coffee based developer, it prints and scans very easily, and gives me a wonderful black and white image with a grain structure and tonal palette that is unique, AND ... once again I do not have to deal with the purchase or disposal of chemicals that are neither kind to me or the environment.

    Best of luck with your color-work!

  3. #13

    Re: Film sheet 4x5 color

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinP View Post
    I think the OP is seeking information on using RA4 paper as a paper-negative. With black-and-white materials (and 'some' experimentation) the paper-neg can be contact-printed on to another piece of the same material with some sort of usable result.

    With RA4 colour materials this cannot be done directly with any degree of success (or has someone, anyone, anywhere, got pictorial results???). The masking in a C41 colour film is only one of the details missing from the process. Some people have managed to use a direct exposure on a piece of RA4 paper with chemical reversal, to get a positive final result. The quality of the result varies considerably and one shouldn't expect to replace Portra with a paper-neg any time soon, but apparently it does 'sort of' work, though in a different workflow to the black-and-white neg / pos idea.

    Best bet as a first step would probably be to try 120 colour-rollfim, exposed in a camera and developed in C41 as usual, and make some prints on RA4 to get a feel of the process. The size of 120 negs can be very successful for enlarged colour-prints and results can guide any further increase in neg-size, up to sheet film. Good luck !
    Thank you very much for your answer!
    Do you mean I can do a print by contact? I put the 120 film in contact with the RA4 sheet and then expose. Then normal development with an A41 kit?

  4. #14

    Re: Film sheet 4x5 color

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinP View Post
    I think the OP is seeking information on using RA4 paper as a paper-negative. With black-and-white materials (and 'some' experimentation) the paper-neg can be contact-printed on to another piece of the same material with some sort of usable result.

    With RA4 colour materials this cannot be done directly with any degree of success (or has someone, anyone, anywhere, got pictorial results???). The masking in a C41 colour film is only one of the details missing from the process. Some people have managed to use a direct exposure on a piece of RA4 paper with chemical reversal, to get a positive final result. The quality of the result varies considerably and one shouldn't expect to replace Portra with a paper-neg any time soon, but apparently it does 'sort of' work, though in a different workflow to the black-and-white neg / pos idea.

    Best bet as a first step would probably be to try 120 colour-rollfim, exposed in a camera and developed in C41 as usual, and make some prints on RA4 to get a feel of the process. The size of 120 negs can be very successful for enlarged colour-prints and results can guide any further increase in neg-size, up to sheet film. Good luck !
    Thank you for your answer! Does this mean that if I use a 120 color film I can put it in the enlarger and make a normal color print with this kit for example?

  5. #15

    Re: Film sheet 4x5 color

    I thank you all very much for your response and help. I am starting to understand some things better and now I just have to buy the material and start the adventure.
    I have another question before that, I would like to know if you have already developed color films with an adox kit for color paper? In black and white I do it but never in color.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Film sheet 4x5 color

    Why would you want to develop color film in a paper developer? Especially given the cost of large format color film?

    As to the kit you linked to: it should work fine for any color RA4 paper. I use different chemistry, but in the end it is all very similar. The Adox stuff will work. But it won't work very well for film.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Film sheet 4x5 color

    Thank you for your answer! Does this mean that if I use a 120 color film I can put it in the enlarger and make a normal color print with this kit for example?

    Thank you very much for your answer! Do you mean I can do a print by contact? I put the 120 film in contact with the RA4 sheet and then expose. Then normal development with an A41 kit?


    Yes, to both, though I was thinking of enlarging rather than contact-prints as 120 images are only about 56mm wide. You will also need an enlarger with a colour-head -- in other words, a diffuse light-source with built-in filtration -- which are fairly easy to find secondhand.

    Note that the colour-paper process is RA4 and the colour-negative film process is C41. It is sensible to double-check what one orcders from a stockist, to avoid confusion.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Film sheet 4x5 color

    Martin, neither of the links you posted, works.

    I see you're in The Netherlands. So am I. If you happen to be in the south, feel free to drop by. I print color regularly and I don't mind sharing my experience if it somehow helps you get started.

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