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Thread: Goerz Dagor and fungus?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Goerz Dagor and fungus?

    I came across a Goerz Dagar series lll no.6 in a Acme #4 shutter, it has what I would say is mild fungus( 3 or 4 lines stretching across the lens). My question is I could pick this up for less than $100 and wondering would it be worth the trouble to get, the shutter needs a CLA as it doesnt work on the last two slow speeds, thoughts??

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: Goerz Dagor and fungus?

    Do you want it? Then get it.

    If you don’t want it… don’t get it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Goerz Dagor and fungus?

    Make sure the fungus is on one of the outer surfaces, not a degradation of the balsam glue. Each element has 2 outer surfaces and 4 inner (3 elements in 1 group, so 4 internal glass faces). Cleaning off outer fungus is easy, re-cementing the lens to clean internal gunk is a bit of a job. The shutter sounds like it needs cleaning the slow speed escapement, or you can use it as-is and just use the 'B' setting for the 1s and 1/2s.

    Depending on the focal length, $100 could be quite reasonable. If it's 9-1/2" or longer, I would buy it, providing it would clean up nice if those problems are fixed.

  4. #4
    Tracy Storer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Oakland CA

    Re: Goerz Dagor and fungus?

    No 7 is 14" or 360mm, f/7.7. $100 is a pretty low price for one. Depending on location and severity of the fungus, and depending on what kind of shutter it is, it could be a tremendous bargain. (Probably worth a gamble at $100)

    EDITED: No 6 is 12", 7 is 14", 7A is 16.5"
    My Bad.
    Last edited by Tracy Storer; 30-Sep-2022 at 16:06. Reason: oops
    Tracy Storer
    Mammoth Camera Company tm

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: Goerz Dagor and fungus?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tracy Storer View Post
    No 6 is 14" or 360mm, f/7.7.(Probably worth a gamble at $100)
    I have my 14 inch f/7.7 Goerz Double Anastigmat Series III in a No 4 Acme in front of me now. It is marked "No 7". Educated guess is that a No 6 is a 12 inch Dagor, that is if Goerz numbered their Double Anastigmats and Dagor focal lengths with the same #'s. Either way I definitely wouldn't pass up on it for only $100.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Goerz Dagor and fungus?

    Usable 14" Dagor for $100 would be an absolute bargain... with a whopping image circle stopped down past f22..


    Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
    I have my 14 inch f/7.7 Goerz Double Anastigmat Series III in a No 4 Acme in front of me now. It is marked "No 7". Educated guess is that a No 6 is a 12 inch Dagor, that is if Goerz numbered their Double Anastigmats and Dagor focal lengths with the same #'s. Either way I definitely wouldn't pass up on it for only $100.

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