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Thread: Darkroom timer apps question

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Montreal, Canada

    Darkroom timer apps question


    There are several darkroom/film development timer apps for iPhone. I haven’t tried any myself but they seem to mostly use red displays. Anyone with any experience with any of them know if you can have the screen go dark (off) instead of red?

    I don’t care about most of the other features or databases and whatever. The simpler the better.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Re: Darkroom timer apps question


    I just use my iPhone timer on "safelight mode" with the screen brightness turned all the way down and the phone in the pocket of my darkroom apron (leather, so pretty lightproof). Here's the link from Sky & Telescope about setting up a red screen. I imagine other colors could be done as well (e.g., green if you're working with pan film, etc.).

    I toggle mine on and off with three taps of the home button. If you have a later model, there would be another solution for toggling.

    FWIW, my phone touch screen works through a ZipLoc bag, so if there are any possibilities for chemicals or water getting on the phone, I just toss it in a ZipLoc (same when canoeing).

    Hope this helps,


  3. #3
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Darkroom timer apps question

    My iPhone if placed on a very flat surface face down does not leak light

    However I use traditional and well used timers all the time

    of course I was sold a lot of non working old timers in my search, by Old Timers!

    screw me once...

    I can count silently very well
    Tin Can

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Montreal, Canada

    Re: Darkroom timer apps question

    Thanks Doremus and Mr. Can.

    I’ve been experimenting with some new sheet film development methods and at the same time it occurred to me these timer apps would be nice compared with my counting routine (which I find myself occasionally losing track of when I’m not well practiced at a processing method). I also might be getting old...

    I will try your suggestions. Thanks

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    San Francisco

    Re: Darkroom timer apps question

    I use the Massive Development timer app for all my developing. While I use daylight tanks, the app does support "safelight mode." Here is their explanation

    "The timer can be used for open tray film or paper development by using one of the two safelight modes. Green light is intended for film inspection and red light is for use with orthochromatic film or paper. In all instances you should adjust the brightness to ensure that it is low enough to avoid fogging, as well as keeping the device at least 1m from the film/paper development tray. Please note that all devices leak some white light and cannot provide complete safety from fogging."

    Link to the app from here:
    Bill Poole

    "Speak softly, but carry a big camera."


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