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Thread: Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Jackson Mississippi

    Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

    I just purchased a Nikon Nikkor W 240mm f/5.6 with Copal #3. Paid less than $400 including tax and shipping and the lens looks fantastic, so I think I got a good deal. However, the shutter seems unreliable in speeds longer than 1/4 second. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it just stays open and will not shut again until I recock the shutter.


    1) has anyone else experienced that?

    2) could this simply be a lubrication maintenance issue? I am fine with doing that stuff myself and have lots of fine tools for taking apart small machinery, but I am clueless as to how to do it. I am thinking maybe a blast of freon cleaner in the internals, but of course I will not be rash about doing that.

    3) eBay doesn't seem to sell used shutters. I saw new ones online, but they want $1200 or more. Wow!! Seems like buying another cheapo lens with the Copal 3 might be a wiser move.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

    A CLA from a qualified repair technician will solve the issue.
    That's a common problem with shutters that have sat around for a long time without being used or exercised.
    The lubrication inside turns to a waxy, sticky substance that gums up the works.
    Avoid the 'Soak in Lighter Fluid' "fix", it just moves it around inside the shutter and makes it a more expensive CLA later.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Jackson Mississippi

    Re: Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

    Thank you. Where would I find such a technician? I am thinking my residence in Jackson, MS might be difficult. I travel to Houston, TX fairly often. Probably there. Camera repair shop?

    I tried contacting this place via email. I am awaiting their response. What would I expect to pay per shutter mechanism?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    Re: Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

    If that's the case, it seems that you may not have gotten such a good deal. I have a couple of lenses like that, and they're not worth fixing. Your lens would probably be worth the repair; but then, you would probably have something over $500 invested.

    Out of curiosity, what were the circumstances of the purchase? For example on EBay, the poor condition of the shutter should have been disclosed. If not, you would likely have grounds for a return.

    How do you want to use a 240mm lens? There are lenses available that weigh much less and are smaller. I had a 240mm "behemoth" mounted in a Copal 3 shutter, and it really added weight to my kit. I found something else at a fraction of the size and weight.

  5. #5
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

    I think it is best to buy used lenses and shutters from lower humidity parts of the world

    Some are buying LF lenses just for the shutter
    Tin Can

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2019
    Stockholm, Sweden

    Re: Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Can View Post

    Some are buying LF lenses just for the shutter
    Yes, that has happened, more than once

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Purcellville, VA

    Re: Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

    Shutter CLA can be $100 or so; it can also be more. A technician may charge a fee for inspection and estimate, which then goes toward the repair if you accept. That would be my next move, because he or she knows what to look for and can explain the prognosis. Maintenance of these fine machines is a long-term investment. There are a number of members here who do their own maintenance on shutters or know the insides intimately,who can advise you further.

    Someone was asking about lubing a shutter just last week here, though I think was a Compur. is one place with a good reputation. Another is, which is just has just moved to a new location.
    Philip Ulanowsky

    Sine scientia ars nihil est. (Without science/knowledge, art is nothing.)

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Central Mother Lode, California

    Re: Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

    Quote Originally Posted by carterwj View Post
    Thank you. Where would I find such a technician? I am thinking my residence in Jackson, MS might be difficult. I travel to Houston, TX fairly often. Probably there. Camera repair shop?

    I tried contacting this place via email. I am awaiting their response. What would I expect to pay per shutter mechanism?
    I think Drew Bedo who is an old hand on this forum uses these people. Perhaps he will confirm this.

    My recent experience suggests $150 (plus shipping) is a good ball-park figure; some will charge more and some may charge less. That may seem like a chunk of money on top of your recent purchase but a relatively modern shutter like this may well go several years before needing another CLA.

    Out of curiosity what camera are you going to use this on?


  9. #9

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    Jul 2008

    Re: Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

    All mechanical shutters need maintenance/service at some point in their lives. This is a given.

    Or, why lenses that are "pretty" might not be functional. If a pretty non-functional lens is the goal, then "pretty" is good. If making creative/expressive images is the goal then a less "pretty" but absolutely functional lens would be highly preferred.. "Pretty" lenses are not gonna make a prettier image.

    DIY is not a good idea unless ya know precisely what ya doing as simply adding "lube" can result in a non-functional shutter. Same as precision clockwork and similar mechanical devices, lube in the incorrect position or incorrect type of lube will cause far more problems than making the problem better.... and if ya tinker without knowing precisely what ya doing,
    the list of problems could increase significantly.

    Invest in sending the problem shutter out to a properly qualified shutter service person. This is a kinda pay now or pay MUCH more later deal.


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    West Coast

    Re: Repair, Maintenance and replacement of COPAL shutters?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernice Loui View Post
    Invest in sending the problem shutter out to a properly qualified shutter service person. This is a kinda pay now or pay MUCH more later deal.
    Agreed: get it properly serviced.

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