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Thread: Silverfast and Editing software

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Cote d'Azur France

    Silverfast and Editing software


    I have recently purchased an Epson 850V and using the bundled scanning software Silverfast SE 8.8. I am new to this side of things, but progressing OK with scanning B&W negatives (35mm, 6x6 & 4x5) and a very large number of Kodachrome 64 slides.

    The software has a dedicated setting for Kodachrome. While not the same as a projected slide or the light box, the results are mixed, but improving as I get accustomed to using the scanning software.

    I have two questions:

    I can upgrade the Silverfast version SE 8.8 to the Silverfast Ai Studio 9 for a discounted price of €74.00 which seems reasonable to me. I am curious if anyone has used the SF Version 9 and if it offers an improvement over it's predecessor and in particular, any improvement in scanning Kodachrome? (Apparently there is a special colour calibration for Kodachrome in this the 9.0 but I waiting to speak with their technical support to understand what this means.)

    Next question: I also need editing software to further adjust my scanned negatives to reflect my darkroom prints and also for posting on line and to produce a book. And also to help adjust any Kodachrome scans which Silverfast can't deal with.

    I have read a lot in this forum and the web on the various options (of which there are many) but would appreciate any current views on suitable editing software which I can learn to use to deal with scanned film. My IT skills are basic so I need some thing that is not too difficult to get the hang of!

    Thank you for any input.

    I have added two examples (or I think I have) of my scans to date.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails US 55 Stars & Stripes  1987.jpg   Cape Paliser Beach.jpg  

  2. #2
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    New Jersey was NYC

    Re: Silverfast and Editing software

    I use Epsonscan for scanning. I only set the clip points, levels, (black and white points) when scanning and reserve all other editing for my Lightroom editing program after the scan. Otherwise you'll be learning two editing programs which I think is more difficult. You can see samples of my 35mm, 6x7 and 4x5 scan on my Flickr page linked below. Good luck.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    St. Simons Island, Georgia

    Re: Silverfast and Editing software

    Member Ken Lee has some useful information

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Silverfast and Editing software

    I use Silverfast Ai Studio 8 on my main desktop and occasionally use Silverfast SE on an old iMac to run my Minolta Elite 5400II scanner. IMO, Ai Studio is substantially more powerful vs SE and for the upgrade cost you're looking out I'd say it's a no brainer to go ahead with the upgrade. Ai Studio will require a heavier commitment to learn, but well worth it! Unlike Alan above, I prefer to get my color scans as close as possible with the scanning software, thereby requiring minimal downstream manipulation. For B&W, however, I do linear scans and convert/edit in PS. Choice of editing software is wide open... Affinity Photo is certainly a good choice, if you don't want to hitch on to the Adobe train. I prefer PS and LR; most likely because I've used PS for over 20 years and LR beginning with the beta release up through the current version.

  5. #5

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    Austin, TX

    Re: Silverfast and Editing software

    I've been using my Epson V850 for a couple of years. Silverfast is a nice program but it is aimed more for color than B&W. From what I've heard the new upgrade is aimed more for the color user. Since I shoot B&W 90% of the time I'm not planning on upgrading at this time. As for scanning B&W I do the very basics in the scan. I set the high/low values as well as labeling the film type and vendor. I use LR for all my major editing. I would recommend you watch Nick Carvers YouTube video where he goes over all of the steps you need to do for the best scan. Unfortunately, his video is for color film but it still highly recommended.

  6. #6
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: Silverfast and Editing software

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan9940 View Post
    I use Silverfast Ai Studio 8 on my main desktop and occasionally use Silverfast SE on an old iMac to run my Minolta Elite 5400II scanner. IMO, Ai Studio is substantially more powerful vs SE and for the upgrade cost you're looking out I'd say it's a no brainer to go ahead with the upgrade. Ai Studio will require a heavier commitment to learn, but well worth it! Unlike Alan above, I prefer to get my color scans as close as possible with the scanning software, thereby requiring minimal downstream manipulation. For B&W, however, I do linear scans and convert/edit in PS. Choice of editing software is wide open... Affinity Photo is certainly a good choice, if you don't want to hitch on to the Adobe train. I prefer PS and LR; most likely because I've used PS for over 20 years and LR beginning with the beta release up through the current version.
    I started setting all edits for the scan when I first started scanning ten years ago. But I found that if I erred or wanted to change the setting, then I was stuck having to rescan the film since you can not change settings afterwards if done as part of the scan. So if you set the contrast too high for the scan, for example, then there was no real way to reduce the contrast in post editing.

    On the other hand, by limiting my scan setting to black and white points only, with all other edits done to the scanned file image, I don't have to re-scan savings loads of time. By keeping scans rather neutral, it leaves me open to make different final versions to choose from with only one scan.

  7. #7

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    Re: Silverfast and Editing software

    I upgraded to the newest Silverfast software, and found it incomprehensible. Now I use the Epson software - simple, straight.

  8. #8

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    Re: Silverfast and Editing software

    Gentlemen - thank you all for your input, shared experience and suggestions, most appreciated. Ken Lee's site has much information, which will require some time to digest...

    I do have a couple of basic questions:

    Alan Klein you mention, you only set the Black & White points prior to scanning - are you referring to the highlight and shadow sliders on the histogram ?

    Alan9940 - you mention doing "linear scans" and then converting in PS. What is a linear scan as against a normal scan and what is the reason for a linear scan?

    You also mention the Adobes software PS and LR - if I started to use PS Elements would this be a good lead in to PS and LR or not?

    Thanks again

  9. #9
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: Silverfast and Editing software

    Quote Originally Posted by 12pmc View Post
    Gentlemen - thank you all for your input, shared experience and suggestions, most appreciated. Ken Lee's site has much information, which will require some time to digest...

    I do have a couple of basic questions:

    Alan Klein you mention, you only set the Black & White points prior to scanning - are you referring to the highlight and shadow sliders on the histogram ?

    Alan9940 - you mention doing "linear scans" and then converting in PS. What is a linear scan as against a normal scan and what is the reason for a linear scan?

    You also mention the Adobes software PS and LR - if I started to use PS Elements would this be a good lead in to PS and LR or not?

    Thanks again
    From the aforementioned instruction link:
    Also, click on the Configuration tab. Check Color COntrol but not Automatic color control. You want to manually set the histogram as described in the picture.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Histogram adjustment picture for levels.jpg  

  10. #10
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: Silverfast and Editing software

    I leave gamma at 2.2 on the Configuration page.

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