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Thread: Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

  1. #1

    Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

    I was looking at the specs on the Chamonix 4x10 and it has 420mm max extension. Has anyone successfully used a 450 lens on one? I see they have extra extensions available but are there enough bellows?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    North of Chicago

    Re: Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

    You can contact Hugo Zhang who is the US rep for Chamonix cameras either here on the forum or at hugoz_2000 AT yahoo DOT com. I'm sure he can answer any questions you might have.

    Richard Wasserman

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

    Chamonix does offer an extension board for your 4x10 for $180.00, which I'm sure Hugo will advise.

    On a similar note I have a Chamonix whole plate camera with its maximum bellows extension listed as being 600mm. Wanted to use my 600mm f/11.5 S KangRinpoche lens (in a Copal #3) on the camera. It is mounted normally on a Sinar lensboard. By the specs would seem that focusing on anything closer than infinity was not possible. In practice the lens was able to focus 30-40 feet away. For me, I have a "top hat" Sinar lensboard which I need to modify to be able to mount the Copal #3 into. With this combo I should be able to focus 16-20 feet away which I will easily be able to live with.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Pine Junction, CO

    Re: Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

    I have a Chamonix 4x10 and use a top hat lensboard with my 450. Check Ebay for other sellers of top hats.
    Keith Pitman

  5. #5

    Re: Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

    Keith, How deep is your top hat? I thought of that but was worried about possible vignetting.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Madisonville, LA

    Re: Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

    I have a tophat Board that allows me to use a 30" Artar on my V8 from infinity up to about 25' The V8 has right at 30" of bellows. I can also use it on the 11x14 which has 42" bellows with a flat board..

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

    With an extension board, our 45N3 has a max bellows draw of 560mm.

  8. #8

    Re: Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

    Hugo, OP here. I was interested in the 4x10 camera. Not a 4x5. Honesty I'm surprised it only goes to 420mm. I find a 450 lens very useful for 4x10.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

    Sorry I meant to write 410N3.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Bend, OR

    Re: Chamonix 4x10 & 450mm lens?

    Im pretty sure the effective lens length limit of the 410N3 deals with the desire to have a compact form when the camera is folded up for storage and the limitations to length are a result of the shorter 4 inch height of the format. I have one and use a 450mm lens, but do use the extension that Chamonix sells/advises. I would rather deal with the extension piece than a top hat, but that is my personal preference. The extension is lightweight and packs easily and the bellows have plenty of capability for that length lens.

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