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Thread: Help with Super Topcor 5,6/120?

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jun 2020

    Re: Help with Super Topcor 5,6/120?

    Quote Originally Posted by Havoc View Post
    Probably a very stupid question, but you do have the shutter cocked?
    It's like the old saying, "There are no stupid questions". No, I didn't have the shutter cocked, or, rather, I had it cocked just once several days ago, when the lever opened the shutter correctly. After that one time, I have been working the lever without success. No success, because the shutter was not cocked.

    Now, if I cock the shutter, the lever does what is expected.

    Weird. Or, perhaps, not so weird. I have, after all, only handled a very limited number of LF lenses – maybe three – before this. None of them exhibited this behavior. But they weren't Seikos...

    In any case, case closed. Thank you very much!

  2. #22
    ic-racer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Help with Super Topcor 5,6/120?

    Good pickup Havoc. The Seiko shutters need to have the shutter cocked.
    In terms of the VXM lever, the shutter should have a self timer on 'V.'

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Re: Help with Super Topcor 5,6/120?

    Almost deleted it thinking it couldn't be that. Happy to help.
    Expert in non-working solutions.

  4. #24
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Help with Super Topcor 5,6/120?

    Read this next https://www.largeformatphotography.i...y-and-use.html

    I should have read that way back when I joined

    Some shutters break very easily if forced

    but not all
    Some are foolproof

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelari View Post
    It's like the old saying, "There are no stupid questions". No, I didn't have the shutter cocked, or, rather, I had it cocked just once several days ago, when the lever opened the shutter correctly. After that one time, I have been working the lever without success. No success, because the shutter was not cocked.

    Now, if I cock the shutter, the lever does what is expected.

    Weird. Or, perhaps, not so weird. I have, after all, only handled a very limited number of LF lenses – maybe three – before this. None of them exhibited this behavior. But they weren't Seikos...

    In any case, case closed. Thank you very much!
    Tin Can

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Re: Help with Super Topcor 5,6/120?

    Quote Originally Posted by ic-racer View Post
    That 120mm has the biggest image circle of the Horseman 6x9cm lenses and can be used with the 4x5in step-up back. I used mine on my 4x5 Horseman FA for a while, until I got a lens allowing movements. Depending on the lensboard and Seiko shutter, the lens cells may, or may not, be transferrable to any other Seiko shutter.

    For example the lens cells on these two 75mm Topcors can't swap shutters. (Inside vs outside lettering).

    Attachment 208806

    Sorry for reviving this old thread, but i was really curious if the 120mm super topcor fits inside the body of a horseman 45FA while its closed? i cant find any information on the dimension of the lens.


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