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Thread: Review of new Ansel Adams book!

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Vero Beach, Florida

    Re: Review of new Ansel Adams book!


    Thanks for posting your review of the Book. After reading your detailed information I ordered and received it.

    You are absolutely correct this is not a quick casual read. I'm on page 20 only 230 left. Small print for this aged eyes.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern Virginia

    Re: Review of new Ansel Adams book!

    Looks like a good purchase—and I had some Amazon dollars to spend.

    Rick “on the way” Denney

  3. #23

    Join Date
    May 2004
    Montara, California

    Re: Review of new Ansel Adams book!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Can View Post

    Signed up!
    Cool--thanks! I've got a few more Ansel posts coming, stay tuned...


  4. #24

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    Montara, California

    Re: Review of new Ansel Adams book!

    Quote Originally Posted by Darin Boville View Post
    Cool--thanks! I've got a few more Ansel posts coming, stay tuned...

    And speaking of...

    Just posted a follow-up post with the semi-clickbait title "Was Ansel Adams A Landscape Photographer?"

    I was going to make it a list, which are so popular on Google. Something like "12 Reasons Why Ansel Adams Was Not A Landscape Photographer" (better suggestions welcome) but I haven't got this whole psychological manipulation thing down just yet.

    Summary: Ansel shot a lot of other stuff.

    Bonus: Photo I shot of a Judy Dater print of Ansel's manager Bill Turnage.


  5. #25
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Review of new Ansel Adams book!


    The AA story told

    Thank you!
    Quote Originally Posted by Darin Boville View Post
    And speaking of...

    Just posted a follow-up post with the semi-clickbait title "Was Ansel Adams A Landscape Photographer?"

    I was going to make it a list, which are so popular on Google. Something like "12 Reasons Why Ansel Adams Was Not A Landscape Photographer" (better suggestions welcome) but I haven't got this whole psychological manipulation thing down just yet.

    Summary: Ansel shot a lot of other stuff.

    Bonus: Photo I shot of a Judy Dater print of Ansel's manager Bill Turnage.

    Tin Can

  6. #26
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Review of new Ansel Adams book!

    As I now subscribe to Darin's Blog, his latest missive allerted to a book I want

    East of the Mississippi: Nineteenth-Century American Landscape Photography

    This railroad runs right down the Mississippi

    1-Makanda track by TIN CAN COLLEGE, on Flickr
    Tin Can

  7. #27
    New Orleans, LA
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    Oct 2004

    Re: Review of new Ansel Adams book!

    Nice review; looks like an interesting read.

    As a 7x17 user I've been curious about Adams' work done with the 7x17 panorama format. It is mentioned in his list of cameras used and I know he did some of the Kodak Coloramas but is there any other known work he did with that format?

  8. #28
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Review of new Ansel Adams book!

    Unfortunately for me they never sent the Zoom #

    "Thank you for registering for

    Ansel Adams book talk with Rebecca Senf: Event registration
    Dear Randy,
    Thank you for registering to join our Ansel Adams talk with Rebecca Senf. We will send a Zoom link to all registered guests before Oct. 21."

    Quote Originally Posted by reddesert View Post
    Rebecca Senf is giving Internet (virtual) talks/presentations on the book and subject periodically, in lieu of a book tour I imagine. There's one next on Oct 21, 2020. If you miss that there might be a recording or another one. I tuned into one several months ago that was "hosted" by the Carmel photography center. They typically require registration but are free. See
    Tin Can

  9. #29

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    Sep 2007

    Re: Review of new Ansel Adams book!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Sampson View Post
    The author, Dr. Senf, wrote her PhD thesis on Adams. She and my wife are colleagues at the CCP, and I recently finished reading the book myself. It's serious, careful, and thorough. Overall, a very good look into how Ansel made his living and grew his vision in the first part of his career. Not really a light read, but then it wasn't meant to be- and the reproductions are quite good as well.
    The book also mentions (gasp) money... having spent my working life as a professional, i appreciate historians recognizing that most of us have to earn a living, and that art doesn't 'just happen'. A quick run through the inflation calculator shows that Ansel's income for 1934 was about $80k in today's dollars, so his hard work was beginning to pay off. That level of success (in the depths of the Depression) must surely have helped give him the confidence to push his art even further, and to make the work that would later make him famous.
    Mark, I don't know if I told you, but I went to the estate sale of the UofA president that set up the CCP. I got a Leica camera of his (no doubt recommended by Ansel Adams), and several Adams books, inscribed by the author to him. I'm keeping them as a little set of the important Arizona connection between the two.

  10. #30
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Re: Review of new Ansel Adams book!

    Thanks for the review! I just ordered a copy.
    “You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you.”
    ― Alexander Den Heijer, Nothing You Don't Already Know

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