I use these in my dark room
Ilford paper is basically blind to them, for my testing anyways
I have 8 on at once, so the darkroom is really bright
+1 on the superbrightleds.
Principal Unix System Engineer, Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
I've also been looking at red strip lights.
Another vote for the superbrightleds.
Yup, those teeny little SuperBright bulbs sure are nice... They are a standard socket size so you can just wire up any fixture, or even use them in your safelight housing. I use one in a pull string fixture so I can turn it off when I am metering. I do filter them with Rubylith but I don't think that is really necessary.
Does anyone know if the amber bulbs are safe for printing paper?
Are the super bright LEDs safe for X-Ray film?
Many are not
I bought a box of these long ago and highly recommend them at 4' and still limit dwell time
Tin Can