The question on what meter to get for LF work has me asking this.

Got a older Calculight XP meter with the attachment that lets me meter directly on the ground glass. Like a small spot attachment it makes direct contact with the glass and I take the reading. Easy to do bright and shadow and mid tone readings this way. The meter is smaller than a pack of cigarettes and the extension add on doesn't add much to the size. Just keep it in the camera case so I don't bang it around.

After the first few tries to get used to it and a couple of test exposures to make sure it actually works I have not looked back. Reads a very small area, about 2mm. With wider lenses the light falloff or light angles might be a worry but I have not had problems and the exposures are fine. Am not usually reading right at the edges but your use may be different than mine.

The XP has a low light sensitivity of -7EV(ISO 100, F/1.4). Helps the ground glass measurement with good bellows extension and slower lenses. Even works with our home made ground glass which is not as bright as some commercial versions.

I know Sinar and some others had meters that would work this way but seldom see any in use. A simple and easy way to meter an exposure and one can do it under the dark cloth. Wonder why we don't see more using this method?