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Thread: Thread specification for Klimsch Apo-Ronar 1:9/600mm

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Thread specification for Klimsch Apo-Ronar 1:9/600mm

    I am new here. :-) And i need some help...
    I am looking for technical details of a Klimsch Apo-Ronar 1:9/600mm repro lens (no CL). Is there someone who can give me exact details about the thread on the rear lens. I need a flange ring and can't find the data for it anywhere. Unfortunately I do not have the lens close by, so I cannot measure it myself... I am grateful for any help or tips. Does the lens fit into an Ilex5 or Compound 5 shutter? I appreciate any help. Thanks a lot.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Thread specification for Klimsch Apo-Ronar 1:9/600mm

    Hmm. The catalog says that the standard non-Klimsch 600/9 Apo Ronar's rear mounting thread is M110x1. But and however I've had a Klimsch 600/9 Apo Ronar and if I recall correctly it didn't match the catalog. Just be patient and wait for the lens to arrive. Then you'll be able to measure. (see says that the 600/9 Apo Ronar can be mounted in an Ilex #5. A caution: mounting the cells may require substantial machining, i.e., there's no guarantee that they're direct fits in the shutter, in fact since R'stock works in metric units and Ilex in Imperial machining will almost certainly be required. Ilex #5s aren't that common or inexpensive. Good luck finding one.

    Many of us have found that the cost of acquiring a shutter for a long focus process lens and having the lens' cells extracted and put in it can exceed the price of an equivalent lens in shutter.

  3. #3
    Tracy Storer's Avatar
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    Re: Thread specification for Klimsch Apo-Ronar 1:9/600mm

    There are a handful of common process lens flange sizes used by Schneider, Nikkor, and Rodenstock. I'm sure it will be one of those, possibly 90/1.
    I have not owned a 600 Apo-Ronar, but can tell you the Klimsch version will be older, and very likely use a smaller thread on the flange than a 1990's version. 110 seems big to me, I think my Klimsch 800/9 Apo Ronar had a 110mm thread, but my 480mm and 600mm Apo NIkkors, and 760mm Apo Ronar CL took 90/1. My 610mm and 760mm Apo Nikkors use 110 and it is big.

    The 90/1 is a VERY common thread for process lenses, that would be my guess for the older 600/9. (but still only a guess)
    Last edited by Tracy Storer; 30-Aug-2020 at 09:40. Reason: Others shared better info.
    Tracy Storer
    Mammoth Camera Company tm

  4. #4
    Tracy Storer's Avatar
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    Re: Thread specification for Klimsch Apo-Ronar 1:9/600mm

    Tracy Storer
    Mammoth Camera Company tm

  5. #5

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    Central Mother Lode, California

    Re: Thread specification for Klimsch Apo-Ronar 1:9/600mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Tracy Storer View Post
    To mount the 600 in a shutter, you will need adapters to get it into the Ilex 5, not certain about Compound, you might get lucky. Hopefully someone who knows Compound shutters better than I will comment.
    Compound and Compur shutter specifications including thread sizes are in the "Compur Shutter Repair Manual". Googling that turns up pdf versions of the 270 plus page opus. An easy to read online version is here:

    The website is in French but the manual is in English (plus some German). If you click on "Specifications" and proceed through the pages you'll find the Compound shutter specifications on the page following the page that's numbered "Page 2". You'll see that the #3, 4 and 5 Compounds all used the same thread pitch for the lens cells, 40 threads per inch rather than a metric pitch. Furthermore the thread angle is 64 degrees rather than the 60 degrees used for ISO metric and UN screw threads.

    This repair manual does not include specifications for the dial-set Compurs. It is my experience and understanding that these also used 40 threads per inch for the lens cells.

    Some years ago on this forum Ole Tjugen provided this information citing the Compur Shutter Repair Manual.


  6. #6

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    Besançon, France

    Re: Thread specification for Klimsch Apo-Ronar 1:9/600mm

    Hello from good ol' Europe!

    Three informations, in short, confirmations of what has already been said here:
    1/ I hereby confirm that the 600 mm Apo Ronat has been sold in the past, mounted on a Compur 5FS shutter.
    Hence for sure another #5 shutter might work ... but at a nominal machining cost as explained by Daniel W. Fromm;

    2/ Regarding the thread size for the mounting flange, in the brochures I have at home, an older non-CL 600 mm apo ronar is described with a mounting flange threaded M90x1, whereas a more recent CL model is described with a M110x1 thread;

    3/ you can certainly mount the 600 mm apo ronar lens without shutter as a whole in front of a #5 shutter, or with the #5 shutter attached in front of the lens. This might somewhat reduce the max aperture but machining costs will be much cheaper that remounting the cells on a #5 shutter.
    See here a picture showing our late friend Jörg Krusche with a 750 mm Apo Germinar aus Jena [the eastern brother of the apo ronar], mounted in front of a COMPUR 5FS.

  7. #7

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    Re: Thread specification for Klimsch Apo-Ronar 1:9/600mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Fromm View Post
    Ilex #5s aren't that common or inexpensive. Good luck finding one.
    Ilex #5 shutters are not easy to come by. I needed 2 of them a couple of years ago to have S K Grimes mount barrel lenses in. After almost 2 years of searching, I ended up acquiring one of them with its optics in terrible condition, hence for a bargain price. The other one came with a 12" or 14" Ektar (optics in almost mint condition). Ended up selling the optics for almost what I originally paid for the whole lens. Then on eBay I found one boxed in NOS condition from a dealer in NYC for around $250.00 which I still have yet to acquire a lens to have mounted in it. They are out there... time and patience though needed, but they do appear up FS every now and then, but rarely so. If you find one, immediately just buy it before someone else does.

  8. #8

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    Re: Thread specification for Klimsch Apo-Ronar 1:9/600mm

    Thanks a lot for all the information and links that really helps a lot.
    Dan, by now I know I shouldn't have been so impatient with the purchase. I thought it was a good price and I wanted to get started :-). I checked SKgrimes, I just wanted a little more clarity before I order something.
    Tracy, as far as I found out I would agree with you, the newer CL lenses have a different size, mine is one of the older ones, M90x1 should fit, roughly measured...
    David thanks for the link, French may be a problem but German is not :-)
    Emmanuel thanks for the link to the other thread, that makes it pretty clear. Now I will order the flange in Portugal (, that's a bit closer than SKgrimes and I don't have to pay customs.
    Greg I had a similar idea and bought a pretty old lens in a compound cap, unfortunately it's a compound 4 which doesn't fit of course. The auction was just about to end and the price was pretty good, but the seller's answer did not come in time. Photos are sometimes not enough, especially if you have no idea! :-) I was planning to use the shutter in front or behind the lens anyway. Of course I would have preferred the Sinar shutter, but it is very expensive. Then there is the focal plane shutter of the Mentor Panorama 2... I think about it, it is often available at a reasonable price, but I don't know how reliable it is and how large the maximum lens diameter can be...
    How much would you have to invest for a Compound 5? Are € 270,- too much?
    Thank you very much for the helpful answers, it really moves me forward!

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