After many years of being in storage and after 2 moves, finally set up my Durst Ce 1000 in my darkroom to enlarge some 4x5 negatives. Went to insert the Taunobox 450 mixing box and noticed that the thin white plexiglass on the bottom of the box is missing. Same thing with my Taunobox 69. Fortunately the bottom pieces of plexiglass on the bottoms of my Taunobox 66 and 35 still there. Interestingly noticed that the pieces of plexiglass on the 66 and 35 vary in thickness being thinner at the edges and thicker in the center. Am now looking to replace the pieces of Plexiglass on the bottoms of the 450 and 69.

Two questions:

Where to buy replacement plexiglass from? Seems to be 2mm thick.

On the bottom pieces of Plexiglass on the 450 and 69 by any chance are they tapered? The top pieces are not tapered but just flat.
