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Thread: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

  1. #41

    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Re: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Andrada View Post
    Well, if she said mountain lion on the roof i think I'd believe her. She lives right up against the mountains and there are a lot of bobcats around - the way she described it, she was hearing something pretty heavy walking on the roof.

    I was talking with my next door neighbor one day and he said his son had come home from somewhere and left the front door open while he picked something up and left. A couple of hours late they were all heading out to a restaurant and he went into the family room to turn on a light and noticed a bobcat sleeping under the piano - it must have followed his son into the house. Had a few anxious minutes trying the decide how to evict the cat when it just got up and walked out the door.

    My wife and I were walking one day and saw something dog sized cross the road ahead of us - then we realized that it was a large bobcat. it walked along with us about 30 feet away for a few hundred yards, then plopped down under a tree for a nap.

    Another time I was at the local IBM site (since largely turned into a U of A research park, although IBM still has 500 or so folks there) There are covered walkways between the buildings and as we came out a door we looked up into a tree next to the building and saw a bobcat snoozing contentedly on a branch.

    Here is a bobcat that ran across the road in front of me a few miles up the Mt. Hopkins Road south of Tucson. She or he stopped in the bushes and I was able to get out and take a picture. (Sorry, not actually a large format photo - I'm not that fast.)

    DSCF9002 by reddesert64, on Flickr

  2. #42

    Join Date
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    Re: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

    Bobcats and mountain lions - pffffft. The jaguars are back in the mountains south of Tucson. Google "El Jefe"

    But this is a nice photo - I have to rummage around for a few of a young bobcat on our back fence a couple of years back.

  3. #43
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

    Jaguars are all around here too. I can think of four entire dealerships.

  4. #44

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    Re: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    They're everywhere around here. It's a rare treat to see one, but wildlife night cameras routinely spot em. There have been 18 documented mtn lion attacks in Calif. in the last hundred years, with just a handful of fatalities. Yet in just a single year in this greater metropolitan area alone, five infants were killed by the Pekinese dog breed alone, and over 500 cases of dogbite in the city of SF alone required some kind of emergency treatment that same year. So put that in perspective​. For their size, speed, and power, cougars are one of the world's least dangerous predators. Mule deer might have a different opinion. However, I did get scratched and bit up a few days ago by a feral kitten that wasn't particularly amused by losing a few parts earlier that day at the Vet.
    Thank you for posting, was thinking along the same lines....
    Way more people are killed by their own dogs and their own guns than anyone ever has by big cats
    Makes me much more worried to be out in the hills at night knowing a bunch of people are packing heat and could ready to shoot the first thing that moves...

  5. #45
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

    Quote Originally Posted by EH21 View Post
    Thank you for posting, was thinking along the same lines....
    Way more people are killed by their own dogs and their own guns than anyone ever has by big cats
    Makes me much more worried to be out in the hills at night knowing a bunch of people are packing heat and could ready to shoot the first thing that moves...
    Isn't that comparison different? After all, there are millions of people around where dogs are. So there are more attacks by dogs compared to the relatively few people who hike where wild predators hunt. Reminds me of the joke about the guy who drowned in a lake that had an average depth of 2 feet. He was unlucky enough to fall into a spot 15 feet deep.

  6. #46
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

    Quote Originally Posted by Two23 View Post
    One of the reasons I always have my Swiss Army knife. At night I carry a small .380 pistol when in mountain lion habitat.

    Kent in SD
    Wouldn't a revolver be better. Don;t you need a second hand to charge a 380? With a revolver, it can be fired with one hand right away.

  7. #47
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

    There was another video on the new last night of a mountain lion snooping around someone's back door, deck, and garden around here. It's getting rather common. But Alan, people have been living amidst mtn lions many thousands of years. Their original overall range is remarkable, spanning most of both North and South America, proving how highly adaptable they are. Yet I never once heard an Indian story or legend of an attack. Dogs are a different story; they've been bred to guard. By far the most dangerous predator is Homo sapiens, and bears and lions learned that long ago. In the Pleistocene, mountain lions and even saber-toothed cats were relatively diminutive felines compared to certain others. Even grizzly bears weren't apex predators. But humans knew how to kill much bigger animals. But if guys want to spin tall tales sipping bourbon around the campfire to impress their buddies with how big a gun they own to deal with all the vicious clawed monster critters running around determined to eat them, and why it takes a four thousand dollar rifle to shoot a deer - and then more likely shoot themselves in the foot drunken - I guess it's a right of passage, so to speak. I've had many a meal of game over a campfire, and spent way too many days wandering through the woods and canyons and peaks to even count. But never once have I worried about mountain lions. Aggressive dogs on the loose, yes.

  8. #48

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    Re: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

    i hike rancho san antonio often. last year they closed many of the higher up in the hills trails because of a Mt lion spotting. we have taken over their area, their habitat, in my mind, and all they are trying to do is survive. I hope this sighting does not get over blown. leave them alone and more often than not they will leave us alone.

  9. #49
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

    Human fatalities: what is the most dangerous animal? - the mosquito, and they'll never leave us alone.

  10. #50

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    Re: Mountain Lion near Santa Cruz

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Human fatalities: what is the most dangerous animal? - the mosquito, and they'll never leave us alone.
    Only some and then only the female ones.

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