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Thread: Hasselblad Flextight 343

  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: Hasselblad Flextight 343

    Indeed thats where I’m afraid off, I’m also going to do some tests with a Nikon D750 with a 60mm macrolens.
    There is more than enough information in this forum about this, but sometimes it gets a bit heated between the Epson and the DSLR people and you get lost in an endless game.

  2. #12

    Re: Hasselblad Flextight 343

    I am using the Imacon 949 and had a 343 in the past and also Epson 750. It is possible to get excellent reults with the Epson and wet mounting...a bit of a hassle but with a little skill equal to the Imacon. For ease the 949 is great...and much faster. The 343 is quote slow even the firewire model and I would say stay away...not enough if any improvement over the epson.....the 949 is a different story....Also I personally do not care for the 848 scans....lightsource is different in that unit.

  3. #13

    Re: Hasselblad Flextight 343

    Quote Originally Posted by PatrickMarq View Post
    Indeed thats where I’m afraid off, I’m also going to do some tests with a Nikon D750 with a 60mm macrolens.
    There is more than enough information in this forum about this, but sometimes it gets a bit heated between the Epson and the DSLR people and you get lost in an endless game.
    It's really just ONE Epson person who believes his personal route to a scan is the only correct one.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Tucson AZ

    Re: Hasselblad Flextight 343

    Yessssss!!!!!!!! Just one (well maybe 1 1/2 Epson evangelists)

    But to be fair I've made a lot of nice prints from Epson 750 scanned 5 x 7 B&W negs and no complaints from the folks who've bought them. I always wet mounted and found that it took less than 30 seconds to mount a negative once you got used to the workflow - best recorded time was 23 seconds.

    However, I upgraded to an IQsmart 2 and am very happy with it. Slow, bulky, heavy, expensive, but does a great job. Much better than the Epson IMHO. Not sure I'm allowed to say that though.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Hasselblad Flextight 343

    I had a 343 for many years, used it sparingly. It gave quite nice results, especially with 120 film. But it suffered from lack of use and got finicky. Tried repairing it with new belts, and thorough clean (talked through from a nice Hass-savvy tech in England) to no avail and ended up selling it. For scans, now use Epson 750, which is a bit less sharp than the 343, but if you aren't too too critical (and I'm very), is frankly good enough up to about 16" prints. If more is needed, send out the rare one for an occasional drum scan. In a perfect world, I'd love an economical 343 or 646... but we are a long way from there.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Hasselblad Flextight 343

    Lynn Radeka- an assistant to Ansel Adams- is mosaic-scanning his 4x5 film with digital cam. Check out his fabulous work with contrast masking. I have great hopes in Sigma L-Foveon FF announced for this year.
    Arent there at least two cam-scanning -systems for up to 4x5? but they are not mosaicing unfortuanately.

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