Hey y'all,

I recently got my hands on some expired 4x5 techpan, cold storage, only 50 sheets. From what I can tell this is a legendary film that needs lots of testing and work to get results worth shooting such a rare film.
I'm extremely new to the whole large format film thing. With only 50 exposures to work with, I'm wary about using it. Would it be worth it to just save it until I have a stabilized workflow and process etc? I'd rather sell this to someone who a) has already done testing so they can really use the full extent of this film b) has a consistent darkroom and a consistent workflow. I'd rather have like 100 sheets of other stuff I'm willing to use and have someone else who knows how to use techpan gets another shot at it.
2 questions:
a) How should I make sure this gets into good hands? If I sell it on ebay anyone with a paypal could get their hands on it(and possibly waste it).
b) what in the heck would be a reasonable price? I've seen people pay like $4 a sheet. Is this even close to sane?

Sorry, this is a lot. I just don't want this stuff to get wasted.