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Thread: Zeiss Ikon Ideal 225, interchangeable lenses?

  1. #1
    Saus's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Question Zeiss Ikon Ideal 225, interchangeable lenses?

    According to this blog, the Zeiss 225 has interchangeable lenses:

    I cannot find anything about this on google, or any for sale anywhere. Can anyone shed some light? Are there more focal lengths available?

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    Winona, Minnesota

    Re: Zeiss Ikon Ideal 225, interchangeable lenses?

    Quote Originally Posted by Saus View Post
    According to this blog, the Zeiss 225 has interchangeable lenses:

    I cannot find anything about this on google, or any for sale anywhere. Can anyone shed some light? Are there more focal lengths available?
    There were at least a couple of similar cameras. I have one without the lever latch release for the lens. With mine, twisting the lens counter-clockwise reveals that it has a (rather crude) bayonet mount to remove it. I have no clue regarding other lenses to replace it.

    Please keep us informed if you find some.

  3. #3

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    Dec 2001

    Re: Zeiss Ikon Ideal 225, interchangeable lenses?

    Jo Lommen might be mistaken.

    Go here, look at the 1927 catalog, p. 28 and the 1931 catalog pages 23 and 30-33. The cameras were offered with a variety of lenses and at least one model has shutters that bayonet on to the lens board. ZI offered Distar and Proxar supplemental lenses to change focal lengths.

  4. #4
    Saus's Avatar
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    Re: Zeiss Ikon Ideal 225, interchangeable lenses?

    This is interesting, thank you for finding this information! I would prefer a separate lens in it's own shutter, but it seems close it impossible to find. There are loads of proxar filters on ebay. Just need to find the right one. I have the 150mm version of the 225 (Ideal B). With the correct proxar filter, it would give a 120mm field of view. I would hope to get an even wider, somewhere close to 28mm in 135 format equivalent.

    edit: It looks like the correct proxar filter is the 2x42

  5. #5
    Ron (Netherlands)'s Avatar
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    Re: Zeiss Ikon Ideal 225, interchangeable lenses?

    Indeed the Ica and Zeiss Ikon Ideal 225 (9x12cm) had interchangable lens/shutter combo's, like all Ideal cam's: you could mount a 135mm, 150mm, 165mm or even 180mm lens/shutter. The lenses came mostly in their own compound and later compur shutters: lots of them for sale on ebay. One of the hard to find lens/shutter combo is that of the Tele Tessar. If you find one, always ask a picture from the back of the shutter in order to ascertain if it has the right notches that fit on the ICA or Zeiss bayonet mount. One complication though: after some years Zeiss changed the bayonet from two to three point and the lens/shutter can only be used on one of these.
    I have a 100mm Meyer Aristostigmat mounted which easily covers 9x12 and 10x15 and even half plate.

    Btw Distars and Proxars are only conversion lenses which are put in front of a non-symetrical lens - they were especially made for the Tessar lens. Nice about the Proxars is that it can provide you focal lengths for making makro pictures without lengthening the bellows!
    They do not work on symmetrical lenses like the Protars. The Protars can be used together (front and back lens) and separate in order to retain different focal lengths; nowadays one can hardly find one at a reasonable price.

    Further, hope you have matching (double) plateholders for the Ideal since they may be hard to find.

    good luck
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