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Thread: SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Boston, Massachusetts

    SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

    It looks like the makers of the quite popular SP445 are moving into 8x10 territory, although what I find interesting
    is that it can take any number of different sized sheets of film, including 4x5, 5x7, 8x10 or theoretically bigger.

    Link here

    Dividers: We’re planning on two dividers. One will split the tank into two 5×7 compartments. The other into two 4×10 compartments. Install both for processing 4×5/9×12.
    So why do we think the SP-8×10+ will succeed?

    Simplicity: No frames/holders to fumble with in the dark. Just take the lid off and drop in your film. No seals, O rings or complicated mechanical contraptions. And it requires only 500 ml of chemistry.
    Flexibility: It will handle anything smaller than 8×10. Simple dividers keep smaller sheets separate. The production version will handle anything between 4×5 and 8×10: 5×7, 4×10, 4×5. Yeah, 9×12 will work too. You should be able to adapt it for those odd-ball sizes that no one else has heard off.
    Proven: tray processing has been around since, well, the first days of photography. It just works.
    Last edited by DiscoShrew; 2-Feb-2019 at 14:22. Reason: detail

  2. #2
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

    Is it for single sheets of each size?

    Like 4 sheets of 0ne 4X5 in each compartment only?

    Then 2 sheets of 5X7 at once in 2 boxes

    Or only one 8X10 in the whole shebang?

    The descriptor is not complete.
    Tin Can

  3. #3
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

    Page 2 for the rest of the story...
    Tin Can

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Boston, Massachusetts

    Re: SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

    Here it explains that it will fit 2 5x7 sheets, I don't believe it specifically addresses 4x5 sheet capacity, though logic serves 4 4x5 compartments with both 5x7 and 4x10 compartments inserted?

    Dividers: We’re planning on two dividers. One will split the tank into two 5×7 compartments. The other into two 4×10 compartments. Install both for processing 4×5/9×12.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Guelph, Ontario, Canada

    Re: SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

    Tim has info about this at his site. He decided to go with a single sheet of 8x10 (or multiple smaller) for a host of reasons he explains. It's great to see this going forward. I have the SP 445 and think it's excellent (now that I figured out how to stop it leaking by... reading the instructions!)

    I don't have a darkroom so for me the SP 445 is by far the easiest and most economical way to process 4x5 film.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Columbus, OH

    Re: SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

    I backed the SP-8x10+ campaign even though 4x5 is the largest film I shoot and I already have (and love) the SP-455.

    I'll use it with the 4x5 dividers. I like the dead simple loading and the economical use of chemistry.

    I've long considered the idea of building an Arduino-based controller for continuously adjusting the time to development completion based on an immersed temperature probe. The SP-8x10+ design allows mounting such a probe easily. I'd like to achieve accurate (and repeatable) C-41 color development by heating the developer to near the proper temperature and measuring the cooling "drift" to adjust to time to completion. I could possibly experiment with room temperature C-41 development.

  7. #7
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
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    Re: SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

    Good luck!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Boston, Massachusetts

    Re: SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

    Blogpost, with samples of 4x5 and 5x7 developed in the 8x10 tank.

  9. #9
    Roger Thoms's Avatar
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    Re: SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

    The textured background will certainly help hide uneven processing. I'd rather see the tests with a nice even background or a clear blue sky. Still it looks promising.


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Erie, Colorado

    Re: SP-8x10+ campaign launched!

    Here's the executive summary for those that don't want to bother with the details (click here for all the details):
    1. It doesn't look like the SP-8x10+ will reach its funding goal.
    2. We're planning to put it into production anyway.
    3. The retail production price will probably be around $140-$150/each.
    4. You can still get in on the $123 price, if you sign-up before March 11th (click here to back the project)

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