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Thread: The comeback of film?

  1. #51

    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: The comeback of film?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Salomon View Post
    And many theaters no longer can project film so they show it from digital media. So most viewers probably only see it from digital.
    Productions still shot in film (like Mission Impossible, Star Wars and 007) all use hybrid processing, first what they do is scanning and digitally editing, later they may print some film with a film recorder but most of the projection is done digitally because of cost...

    Anyway the resulting cinematography seen in a TV is much better if acquisition was made in film.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Salomon View Post
    What do you think the demand for film stock will be when parts for those cameras are no longer available or when the cinematographers and directors using it now retire?
    Stock film demand is very scarce, big busines for kodak was print film before digital projection era, for each foot of stock film they were selling thousands of feet of print film.

    There are young directors using film like Rian Johnson (44), Damien Chazelle (33)... there are young photographers using film.

    IMHO at one point digital cameras will be able to perform close to what film is able, by then it will be irrelevant if the movie is shot digitally or not.

  2. #52
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: The comeback of film?

    Everyone said riding horses was obsolete when the Model T Ford came out and everyone bought one a century ago. But just beyond the city limits here today, there are horse ranches everywhere, with people riding them every weekend. And they spend a lot of money to enjoy that lifestyle. Things change no doubt, but choices will always be needed by creative people. Once any particular media gets too common or entrenched, it's the nature of artists to rebel.

  3. #53

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    Dec 2013

    Re: The comeback of film?

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Everyone said riding horses was obsolete when the Model T Ford came out and everyone bought one a century ago. But just beyond the city limits here today, there are horse ranches everywhere, with people riding them every weekend. And they spend a lot of money to enjoy that lifestyle. Things change no doubt, but choices will always be needed by creative people. Once any particular media gets too common or entrenched, it's the nature of artists to rebel.
    Of course they drive their cars over to the stables to ride their horses.

  4. #54

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    Northern Indiana

    Re: The comeback of film?

    Our local drive in movie theater faced that projector situation a couple years ago. They bit the bullet and changed to digital projection.

    Technology and multi media compatibility will only grow. If you want to stream your daughter's high school swimming meet to your sister who is riding in a self driving car, it is not going to happen with film.

    Film is for those who enjoy working with film.

  5. #55

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    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: The comeback of film?

    Quote Originally Posted by Grandpa Ron View Post

    Film is for those who enjoy working with film.
    I enjoy working with film.
    Even my 18 year old digital son shoots film.
    He thinks it gives him something unique to offer.
    And it does.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  6. #56
    Roger Cole's Avatar
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    Suburbs of Atlanta

    Re: The comeback of film?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Salomon View Post
    Professional sports and news photographers have been using spray and pray long before digital ever existed!
    And they are all doing it digitally now and spraying a lot more because they see the results and choices immediately and can spray constantly for essentially zero marginal cost.

    Come back to film from that and you will slow down at least some, even with a motor driven 35. If nothing else you will have to stop to change film or at least change bodies you are shooting with every 36 shots. Not many bulk backs still in use. I'm not even sure you can get color film in bulk rolls as a stock item anymore (maybe you can, I have no interest in it so haven't looked.)

  7. #57

    Join Date
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    Loganville , GA

    Re: The comeback of film?

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Cole View Post
    And they are all doing it digitally now and spraying a lot more because they see the results and choices immediately and can spray constantly for essentially zero marginal cost.

    Come back to film from that and you will slow down at least some, even with a motor driven 35. If nothing else you will have to stop to change film or at least change bodies you are shooting with every 36 shots. Not many bulk backs still in use. I'm not even sure you can get color film in bulk rolls as a stock item anymore (maybe you can, I have no interest in it so haven't looked.)
    And they used multiple cameras to keep shooting when one camera is out and an assistant reloaded the empty camera!

    Which suburb? We are 30 miles north by Lanier.

  8. #58
    Nodda Duma's Avatar
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    Batesville, Arkansas

    Re: The comeback of film?

    Widening a little bit to encompass analog photography in general, I recently hired two part time employees (high school students) to keep up with demand for dry plates. One of them cuts and preps glass, and the other coats the plates.

    I actually get sleep now, which is awesome. It also frees up time for me to tinker with new emulsions.

    Newly made large format dry plates available! Look:

  9. #59

    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: The comeback of film?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nodda Duma View Post
    Widening a little bit to encompass analog photography in general, I recently hired two part time employees (high school students) to keep up with demand for dry plates. One of them cuts and preps glass, and the other coats the plates.

    I actually get sleep now, which is awesome. It also frees up time for me to tinker with new emulsions.

    Jason, these are great news.

  10. #60

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    The Netherlands

    Re: The comeback of film?

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Cole View Post
    And they are all doing it digitally now and spraying a lot more because they see the results and choices immediately and can spray constantly for essentially zero marginal cost.
    This is a real misconception, digital shooting is not free. Consumer camera's don't have the shutters for pray and spray. Pro camera's do better, but shutters just last for so long, 2 years at most. For paid professionals, that's no problem, they just get their new gear when it's needed. For others it's burning money, just as it was with film.
    I own the gear, but those don't make masterpieces. My everyday experience.

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