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Thread: Cambo Reflex Modification for Ebony

  1. #1
    darr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    The South

    Cambo Reflex Modification for Ebony

    Where I can have a Cambo Reflex Hood modified to fit my Ebony SV45U?

    Thank you in advance!

  2. #2
    Scott Rosenberg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    The Incredible Pacific Northwest

    Cambo Reflex Modification for Ebony

    give sk grimes a call - 401-762-0857

    or, try these folks:

    they are presently modifing a horseman viewer for my linhof, possibly they could work with your ebony too.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 1999

    Cambo Reflex Modification for Ebony

    Hi. This may be of some interest but Nick Rains ( modified a Cambo T20 viewer to fit his RSW45. All 5x4 Ebony cameras share the same back - so it should be easy to modify the viewer you mention. Nick told me that he modified the T20 viewer by using epoxy to fit 2 strips of brass "T" section - the sort railway modellers use, to the outer edge of the viewer housing. This allowed the viewer to attach in the same way as the method of attaching the ground glass protector. Hope this makes sense? Paul

  4. #4
    darr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    The South

    Cambo Reflex Modification for Ebony

    This is an update for anyone with an Ebony camera and may be looking to get a modification like I needed for my Cambo hood to be used with my Ebony SV45U:

    I received one estimate from a well known LF repair establishment, and another from a well known LF repair person that could not quote me a price, but was willing to try. The first estimate was for $250.00 + shipping and they wanted the full camera shipped with the hood. The second repair person I found knowledgeable and willing to accept only the hood and camera back, but could not give me a price. I decided to call Jeff at Badger Graphics where I originally purchased the camera.

    Jeff quoted me a price of $175.00-$200.00 and instructed me to ship it directly to Ebony after Ian Wilson (US Ebony representative) emailed me the instructions within 24 hours. After the modification was complete, Ebony would ship it back to Badger with additional cameras and Badger would then handle my payment and forward the hood back to me.

    I shipped the hood within 24 hours of receiving Ian’s instructions and the cost of three day guaranteed USPS Express Mail to Japan was $21.00. Within 2 weeks I emailed Jeff and was told the hood had just arrived and the price would be $175.00 plus shipping. I gave Jeff my credit card info and three days later, the hood arrived “perfect”!!

    Bottom line: Do not hesitate to call Jeff at Badger Graphics if you need any type of modification for your Ebony. I did not like the idea of shipping my well tuned Ebony to anyone just because I needed a hood modified. I was surprised to find the popular repair house would not accept my camera back for the modification instead of the entire camera. That alone made my decision and I am very glad I took the route I did!

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