One of the things that really appealed to me about the house I bought last fall is that there is a room in the basement that I will be able to use as a small-ish dark room.

And today, since it is miserable out side and there is no pressing yard work to be done I have started to really look at and asses that space to see what I will need to do to make the room usable. Mostly, it looks to be pretty straight forward. Except for one big consideration.

I thought a simple web search would sort this out but I am starting to wonder if the room is tall enough for LF enlarging.

My specific situation is: The space is 7' x 11' and the room has a ceiling height of 86 inches. 218 centimeters. I can set the countertop/bench top height where ever--there is nothing pre-existing in the space--and I can certainly consider wall mounting, the space has three block walls and one partition wall.

Do I actually have enough height for a 4x5 enlarger? I would rather not have the base board on the floor but necessity is a mother...

At this point I don't have any brand preferences, I think condition of any specific enlarger is more important. Then part/accessory availability becomes the next important consideration.

If I had stuck with the miniature formats, this would be a bit simpler. But no, I wanted the bigger negatives.

Any advice is much appreciated!

Thank you,