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Thread: iPhone Viewfinder app

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Edinburgh, Scotland

    iPhone Viewfinder app

    Hi guys,

    I've just released a previsualisation app for the iPhone. Viewfinder Preview is an iPhone app for previsualising a scene given a film size and lens focal length. Instead of spending all that time setting up your big camera, just choose your desired film/sensor size and focal length in the app and point the iPhone camera at what you want to photo to verify framing. If you are happy with the framing then you can get the big camera out. The app is primarily targeted at the film camera user but there is no reason why someone working in digital can’t take advantage of it.

    The app includes

    - Customisable menus so you can include the film formats and focal lengths you care about.
    - A fully configurable light meter.
    - You can take photos with it, so you have a record of shots you were framing.
    - Photos taken with the app include additional data that describe the film format, focal length and lighting meter settings at the time the shot was taken
    - The ability to add notes to your photos
    - A photo gallery for viewing photos taken with the app which also displays the additional data

    For more info you can go to my website or you can go straight to the App Store


  2. #2
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: iPhone Viewfinder app

    You need a better walkthrough.

    I just bought and trying...

    I also want 11X14 and lenses tp 1200mm

    7X17, etc

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: iPhone Viewfinder app

    How do you handle displaying the correct field of view, if using lenses on camera that have an angle of view wider than the iPhone camera lens?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Edinburgh, Scotland

    Re: iPhone Viewfinder app

    At the moment the app cannot display outside the capabilities of the iPhone camera. I intend to add support for some of the wide angle lens attachments you can get for the iPhone in the near future.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Edinburgh, Scotland

    Re: iPhone Viewfinder app

    I know the walk through isn’t ideal. I’ll look to improve it. Have you looked at the help pages yet? I can increase zoom levels but at some point you’ll hit the limits of the iPhone camera. Regarding the film formats you can add your own custom film format sizes in the film format menu page.

  6. #6
    Do or do not. There is no try.
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    Northeastern USA

    Re: iPhone Viewfinder app

    I just bought the app and it's fairly easy to figure out. It's an added bonus that it also has a light meter function, is it a spot meter or overall average or ???. I haven't tested the metering accuracy yet against another metering app I have or my spot meter (those two agree within 1/3 stop). There's a hard focal length limit at 400mm, which is likely a consequence of the finite zoom range of the iphone's camera relative to 35mm full-frame, but 400mm isn't all that long for an 8x10 user. It would be even more useful if you could implement format-dependent focal-length limiting, but I understand that's probably a level of complexity beyond the initial release. Why not allow the user to enter whatever focal length he wants into the list and do the limiting at selection time since the format is known then - invalid choices could show in red or something.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Minnesota and Massachusetts, USA

    Re: iPhone Viewfinder app

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan9940 View Post
    How do you handle displaying the correct field of view, if using lenses on camera that have an angle of view wider than the iPhone camera lens?
    Wouldn't applying an outline to show the image area address these? I don't have an iPhone so don't know how the app displays currently. I do think it's a useful concept - even if limited to 6x9, 4x5 and 8x10.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Edinburgh, Scotland

    Re: iPhone Viewfinder app

    Currently the app will display a red outline and the area that can be captured by the iPhone camera is displayed at the right scale for that focal length.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Edinburgh, Scotland

    Re: iPhone Viewfinder app

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Goldstein View Post
    I just bought the app and it's fairly easy to figure out. It's an added bonus that it also has a light meter function, is it a spot meter or overall average or ???. I haven't tested the metering accuracy yet against another metering app I have or my spot meter (those two agree within 1/3 stop). There's a hard focal length limit at 400mm, which is likely a consequence of the finite zoom range of the iphone's camera relative to 35mm full-frame, but 400mm isn't all that long for an 8x10 user.
    The standard mode for the light meter is average but if you touch the screen it will be a spot meter for the point you touched. It works in a similar way the iPhone camera app works.

    Regarding the 400mm focal length limit that is being upped to 1500mm. I have just submitted a new version of the app to Apple with this change

  10. #10
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: iPhone Viewfinder app


    I do hope you sell many copies.

    What's $2 these days!

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