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Thread: Help with the dimensions of an 8x10 Film Holder

  1. #11
    Serious Amateur Photographer pepeguitarra's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the dimensions of an 8x10 Film Holder

    Years ago, I took a class on communication. The teacher was the man who wrote the book: I am Ok, You are Ok. He assumed every one has three types of attitude in his/her head: F (father), A (adult) and C (child). He identified that in every transaction (communication) there are a number of relationships that can develop and produce a reaction. Communication can continue for ever, or it can be broken. For example: When someone ask another person: That is a beautiful watch, what time is it? (Father to Child), it most likely prompt a response like: (smiling), it is 5 pm (Child to Adult). Father is related to the MUST and HAVEs, Child is related to the WANT and LIKEs, and Adult, ask and provide information. The most boring but effective and conflict-free is the communication between ADULT AND ADULT. It is limited to ask and give information. All the others may end up in conflict.
    "I have never in my life made music for money or fame. God walks out of the room when you are thinking about money." -- Quincy Jones

  2. #12
    Serious Amateur Photographer pepeguitarra's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the dimensions of an 8x10 Film Holder

    Quote Originally Posted by Pfsor View Post
    Great! Why don't you just buy one so that you can make tens of them cheaper then? It would pay off, wouldn't it?
    Thanks Pfsor. I would certainly pay off if I sell them. Thanks.

    To follow on the I am Ok, you are OK comment: This is the example of a communication between a Father ("buy one, etc") to a Child (yes, it is addressed to a child, you can tell that it has to do with the MUST and HAVE To). The child can respond as a Submissive Child (what I have done), or as a Rebel Child (which I usually do not do). Most likely there will be no more conflict because the child was submissive. However, it is a WIN-Lose situation where there was no real communication. If the Rebel Child responded. There would not be communication either, and the Father may come back with more shots to the Child, and they can argue for ever. Just like parents talk to their kids sometimes. I do enjoy reading the forums, it is a way to learn about people. Just like Miguel de Cervantes said in this book Don Quijote de La Mancha: Even bad books teach us something.
    "I have never in my life made music for money or fame. God walks out of the room when you are thinking about money." -- Quincy Jones

  3. #13
    Serious Amateur Photographer pepeguitarra's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the dimensions of an 8x10 Film Holder

    Quote Originally Posted by Nodda Duma View Post
    Not sure I follow. Standards don’t work like that. They just include dimensions that tell you what size of film to expect from manufacturers. That way you know how to make your holders to accommodate standard size film. Did you get my message with the dimensions of 8x10 film?

    The industry standardizes on those sizes so the film they sell is compatible with the equipment out there. If, for example, Kodak’s film didn’t fit standard equipment then nobody would buy from Kodak.

    You don’t have to pay anything to make your holders. Use those dimensions to properly size where the film goes in your holders or you’ll be sad when the film doesn’t fit. It’s not magic, it’s just good woodworking.
    This is an example of Adult to Adult communication. It works. There was the need for an information, and it was provided. WIN-WIN
    "I have never in my life made music for money or fame. God walks out of the room when you are thinking about money." -- Quincy Jones

  4. #14
    Jim Jones's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the dimensions of an 8x10 Film Holder

    Quote Originally Posted by pepeguitarra View Post
    I think I will just create my own standard. The prices they show for this standards are too high. Membership in ANSI will cost $1,200 for companies selling under $100million. What about those not profiting from it? That is ridiculous. I will build my own plates and my own holders.
    The last time I checked, it cost maybe $25 to download the specs of film holders. Membership wasn't required. Beware of specks for film holders that have been posted online. At least one set of simplified specs has errors.
    New topic: wet plate pinhole photography may be impractical if the emulsion is too slow.

  5. #15
    Nodda Duma's Avatar
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    Help with the dimensions of an 8x10 Film Holder

    Jim, I can’t speak to the wet plate, but I believe he is also planning to try with my dry plates. In that case, at ASA 2, there will be enough light to make a latent image (At least, I’ve shot at f/128 before). The reciprocity characteristics are really good for the slow emulsion so he will just need a correspondingly longer exposure to get good results.
    Newly made large format dry plates available! Look:

  6. #16
    Serious Amateur Photographer pepeguitarra's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the dimensions of an 8x10 Film Holder

    It is impossible to buy one of the 8x10 glass plate holders. On the evil site most are broken and the dimensions are uncertain. The only place where you can buy what a decent one is here. And one 8x10 (one single plate) is $400 plus tax and shipping. It may not be too bad to think about maybe building them and making them available to some friends.
    "I have never in my life made music for money or fame. God walks out of the room when you are thinking about money." -- Quincy Jones

  7. #17
    Serious Amateur Photographer pepeguitarra's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the dimensions of an 8x10 Film Holder

    I just finished my pinhole camera. It is still drying from the finish. However, it will be ready to shoot in couple of days. I have many shots of the camera and the construction, but I can only post fewer (technical difficulties: transferring from my phone seems to be slow). If you have questions, I will be glad to answer them.
    It weights about 6 pounds (by design) without the pinhole, it accepts 8x10 film and dry glass plate, focal length is 203mm, diameter of pinhole is .6mm, and f is 1/338. In a sunny day without adjustment for reciprocity failure, the exposure is 4.7 seconds.

    Pinhole Camera by Palenquero Photography, on Flickr

    20180416_200336 by Palenquero Photography, on Flickr

    20180416_200216 by Palenquero Photography, on Flickr
    "I have never in my life made music for money or fame. God walks out of the room when you are thinking about money." -- Quincy Jones

  8. #18
    Serious Amateur Photographer pepeguitarra's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the dimensions of an 8x10 Film Holder

    "I have never in my life made music for money or fame. God walks out of the room when you are thinking about money." -- Quincy Jones

  9. #19
    Nodda Duma's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the dimensions of an 8x10 Film Holder

    Newly made large format dry plates available! Look:

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