Hi all!

A few days ago i devloped myself for the first time 2 sheets (8x10) of Provia 100F. The first sheet was exposed at 100 iso and the other at 400. The first one was a disaster, and I tought I would never be able to do this... however, the second (exposed at 400) wasnt that bad... nonetheless... no one does this professionally in Norway anymore so this is something I just have to figure out.

I did as follows:
(First, I used 1 liter for each solution - too much? And, unless otherwise noted I followed times from Tetenal... I started timing as soon all chemistry was out of the container bottle.)
1. Preheated the drum with the sheet film (100 iso) in it (for probably more than an hour).
2. Put in the first developer (I tought I was supposed to do this quick, but did it to fast so a bit of spilling occured - also I pushed the wrong button on my timer so timimg was inaccurate.
3. Emptied the first developer from the drum back into the bottle.
4. Let it drip for 2 minutes to empty the drum.
5. Washing for 5 minutes instead of 2:30 (I was supposed to either poor water into it continuously, change it every 30 seconds, or wash extra... I washed extra).
6. After washing I let it drip for 2 minutes.
7. Add colordeveloper.
8. Empty it back in the bottle and wait for two minutes.
9. Then wash for 5 minutes, letting it empty for 2.
10. Then bleach fix, emptied back in the bottle, letting it empty for 2 minutes.
11. Now washing for 8 minutes, and emptying for 2.
12. I also did the stabilizing inside the drum, putting the stabilizer back in the bottle.
13. Extreme disappointment looking at a very thin positive appearing too be overexposed/overdeveloped (unclear... sort off).

I then repeated this process with the second sheet exposed at 400 iso, using the same chemistry. The only difference is that I added 15 extra seconds for the first developer since it was a reuse, and an extra 5:30 for the first developer since it was a push. (Also, the temperature might have been a bit too cold on the first sheet, but I cant be sure.)

Luckily this was better and seems a lot better exposed. The motive was the same with the same light and was exposed according to their iso value... so the one positive shouldnt appear to be much more over/under exposed compared to the other... anyway the pushed positive has too much cyan in it.

Does it sound like I am doing this the way I am supposed too?

Othe concerns I have is:
Temperature - I find it hard and timeconsuming to get it accurate. How do you guys do this on your CPA2s?
Air - I kept the window shut to have a stable room temperature, but how healthy is this?
I am considering a protronic heater so I am able to have more heated water available for wash - anyone with any experience with something like that?

I think thats it for now :-) Any help or tip is very appreciated :-)
