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Thread: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

  1. #21
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidFisk View Post
    Sandflies are never a problem with the simple expedient of DEET. Been there, done that. Eleven times.
    But it is a bit disconcerting to look out one's tent and not be able to see the scenery because of the cloud of sand flies waiting just for you! While bike-touring with the 4x5, I put repellent on my legs only, and would put on my rain jacket when I stopped (don't like putting that stuff on me.). But most of the time the flies were not a problem -- plenty of worse places in the USA for biting bugs!
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  2. #22
    David Lobato David Lobato's Avatar
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    Re: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

    I've been to both NZ and Buenos Aires. Either would be great for a honeymoon. NZ for scenery and outdoor activities, Argentina for cultural music, dance, and theater.

  3. #23

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    Re: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

    How about Coalinga, California?

    Why not try the California North Coast? Some very nice places, beautiful scenery and it costs a lot less than foreign travel.
    ” Never attribute to inspiration that which can be adequately explained by delusion”.

  4. #24

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    Re: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaughn View Post
    But it is a bit disconcerting to look out one's tent and not be able to see the scenery because of the cloud of sand flies waiting just for you! While bike-touring with the 4x5, I put repellent on my legs only, and would put on my rain jacket when I stopped (don't like putting that stuff on me.). But most of the time the flies were not a problem -- plenty of worse places in the USA for biting bugs!
    I never encountered the little bastards except right around water (Lots of that in NZ.) So at least I knew where to expect them, which meant every time I shot a waterfall (Lots of those in NZ).
    There are 3 kinds of people in the world: those who can count and those who can't.

  5. #25
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

    The vivid memory of the sandflies in front of the tent was while tramping on Stewart Island -- west coast of the South Island was another hot spot.
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  6. #26 tgtaylor's Avatar
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    Re: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

    Far worse than the sand-fly is the Patagonian Horse Fly: Hiking along a trail you'll suddenly feel something dripping down your wrist which upon inspection turns out to be your blood. I've been told that they secrete an anesthetic when they bite so you don't feel the bite but only the blood oozing from the wound after they have gathered the harvest.


  7. #27
    Guilherme Maranhão coisasdavida's Avatar
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    Re: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

    I have been to El Calafate, El Chalten and Ushuaya last january.
    El Calafate is ok but too many car trips to see stuff.
    Ushuaya is a tourist trap, sites are not so nice, restaurants are expensive, to see the penguins is ok.

    There is nothing to do in El Chalten that involves riding a vehicle. It is either hiking or climbing.
    Its size is around 5 by 10 blocks. The town runs at a different speed and so do people.
    There is the hot chocolate place, there is the pizza place. There is the iceacream place.
    All good, all reasonable.
    You can see Cerro Torre and Fitzroy from anywhere in town, it is amazing.

  8. #28
    J. Austin Powers appletree's Avatar
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    Re: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

    Hey all!!!!
    I didn't see all these recent (sorta recent) replies. THANKS SO MUCH!!!
    I had been traveling a ton for work in Sept. and missed a lot of these.

    We were pretty decided/leaning toward Argentina. Although, more talking and watching airfare's we realized:
    1. The length of flights actually isn't THAT much longer to NZ. (about 4 to 5 hours more if taking non-stop or one stop).
    2. If we could get flights affordable we might consider NZ
    3. NZ is gorgeous and if we ever want to go, now might be our chance since we have so much time (in our mind)
    4. 3 weeks would be tough for us to take that much vacation, but we will have a total of 18 nights. Two of those days are traveling and we end up with about 15 full days in NZ.

    So, a few mornings ago after watching flights for 6-8 weeks we snagged our tickets for a great price. We actually are flying out of Austin not Houston. Austin is where our wedding is at the day before we leave. So we will not even bother coming back to Houston and traveling Sunday night. We leave Monday night. Flight plan is AUS to IAH to AKL (to AKL is a really nice jet). About 17 total hours. Then coming back is AKL to SFO to AUS, also about 17 hours. Plus...for some strange reason I started noticing tickets were generally cheaper to fly out of AUS.

    1. Keep the advice and locations coming (thanks for all the good info so far...we will bring bug spray for the sand flies)
    2. I am not very adventurous. My fiance is she might appreciate once or twice getting to do something sorta crazy (don't give this worrier a heart-attack).
    3. We both enjoy the outdoors. We both enjoy hiking ( once again no 20 mile hikes). We both enjoy cooking, AirBNB, and wine. We have no problem going out and splurging here and there. But, also would have no issue buying groceries for a few days while at an AirBNB and cooking a few nights/lunches.
    4. We have not planned the locations/itinerary yet. But still would think we could hop around (at a happy medium amount). 2-3 days here, 3-4 days there, 1-2 days here. Etc. So we aren't moving every single night. But also get to see what we can in the time we have. A mix of mountains, hiking, beach, etc. And maybe a day or two in the big city(ies).
    5. We prefer small towns and local places.
    6. As you all know, I love my film (35mm, 120, and idea yet what is going to be packed) and little places on the beach, trees, forest, mountains, lakes, waterfalls, etc. And she does too. We both love stuff like that.

    OK, I think that is a lot about us. We will be there from Jan 29th - Feb 15th.

    PS: On Trip Advisor forum someone suggested North Island for summer, South Island for winter. But, the next person really tailored the response to us, regarding wineries, photography, etc. He said since I enjoy photography, he would actually go to the South Island a good bit. We are trying to get a rough itinerary we can plan AirBNBs, hotels, etc.

    PPS: Camera options include 4x5 Chamonix 045N-2 (90mm Nikon and 210mm Schneider lenses) | Hasselblad 500 C/M (80mm and 150mm lenses) | Leica M2 (50mm dual range Summicron, can borrow dad's 35mm lens)

  9. #29

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    Re: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

    I've heard LF film is crazy expen$ive in NZ/OZ. Take a bunch with you to sell when you get there and maybe recoup your flight tickets!
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  10. #30

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    Re: Honeymoon - Leaning Toward Argentina or NZ (Early February)

    If you would prefer 2 weeks only, then keep to the South Island. If you want some details, especially where tourists don't go, email me. Been there 11 times.
    There are 3 kinds of people in the world: those who can count and those who can't.

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