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Thread: future of B&W

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    future of B&W

    Hey I thought the self-destroying Pinto had certain advantages!

    No to be serious the large corporations will continue to consume each other and somewhere along the way sell off their equipment to a second or third tier company that will produce products for now. If not then groups like this will just have to form cooperatives to make their own bulk purchases and maybe even produce their own supplies.

    Years ago it was possible to buy liquid emulsion that you could paint on to a surface. We may see that again and make our own glass prints!!! In any event I will most likely die before all the makers dump b&w forever.

    Not very cheerful, Paul

  2. #22
    Old School Wayne
    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    future of B&W

    Kodak getting out of the paper business is most likely a good thing in the long run as it will allow smaller companies - Ilford, Bergger, Forte, etc, etc all to expand and grow into a larger market.

    Dude---sales are declining in double digits per year! The only thing growing here are some might heady fantasies. :-)

    You are right that Kodak paper sucks-thats because they quit making most of their good papers years ago (with acknowledgment to those who think Azo is the cat's meow).

  3. #23
    Mark Sawyer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Stuck inside of Tucson with the Neverland Blues again...

    future of B&W

    Really, if there's enough of a market right now to keep printing-out paper in production and bring an alternative form of Azo back in production (as Michael Smith is pursuing), I think that, barring world catastrophe, there's enough of a market for mainstream b/w products that we'll have not only film and paper, but numerous options far into the future. (Then again, I'm predicting rotary-dial cell-phones will sweep the market...)

    BTW, the fairly recent sci-fi movie "Minority Report" had an art-photographer still working in a darkroom far in the future. Don't know how many caught it, but it had to be a little statement from someone...
    "I love my Verito lens, but I always have to sharpen everything in Photoshop..."

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    San Francisco

    future of B&W

    Yes, b&w supplies are drying up. What can be done about it?

    1. Start up or buy a chemical plant.

    2. Whine.

    3. Give up photography.

    4. Go digital.

    5. Enjoy it while you can.

    I'm opting for #5...

  5. #25
    matthew blais's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Riverside, CA

    future of B&W

    I heard Kodak was developing a film back for their digital cameras...
    "I invent nothing, I rediscover"
    August Rodin

    My Now old Photo Site

  6. #26
    Old School Wayne
    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    future of B&W

    Yes, b&w supplies are drying up. What can be done about it?

    1. Start up or buy a chemical plant.

    2. Whine.

    3. Give up photography.

    4. Go digital.

    5. Enjoy it while you can.

    I'm opting for #5...

    Actually, whining is a very powerful tool for effecting change, if done to the right people in the right places at the right time. Dont underestimate the power of applied whining. Enjoying it while you can is fine, but like apathy, it gets nothing accomplished.

  7. #27
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: future of B&W

    now i will watch that movie again

    i do believe in prescience

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Sawyer View Post
    Really, if there's enough of a market right now to keep printing-out paper in production and bring an alternative form of Azo back in production (as Michael Smith is pursuing), I think that, barring world catastrophe, there's enough of a market for mainstream b/w products that we'll have not only film and paper, but numerous options far into the future. (Then again, I'm predicting rotary-dial cell-phones will sweep the market...)

    BTW, the fairly recent sci-fi movie "Minority Report" had an art-photographer still working in a darkroom far in the future. Don't know how many caught it, but it had to be a little statement from someone...
    Tin Can

  8. #28
    Ray Van Nes
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Calgary, AB Canada

    Re: future of B&W

    I thought that ship had sailed long ago. I was not aware that they were still making B&W paper. Ilford is going strong and just introduced a new RC paper, then there is Foma , Adox and Bergger.

  9. #29
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: future of B&W

    Lodima was made after this thread and is now gone

    Let's consider the landscape again in a year
    Tin Can

  10. #30
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: future of B&W

    Well, in the past 15 years there are now a lot more photographers making their own film and printing materials.

    For the most part, I have not made prints on silver gelatin paper since Portriga Rapid III went bad, then stopped production altogether.
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

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