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Thread: Help. Can i use lens of a graflex century on a crown or super? sironar n and nikkor w

  1. #1

    Help. Can i use lens of a graflex century on a crown or super? sironar n and nikkor w

    Hello! This is my first post

    I am new in large photograpjy format. I do work a lot with medium format.
    I am searching for my first camera and I decided to get a Graflex Crown or Super Graphic. The thing is that I found and auction of a Century (2x3) with two nice lens, at a good price. The first lens is a Nikkor-W 105mm 1:5.6. The second lens is a Rodenstock Sironar-N 150mm 1:5.6.

    And here the question: Can I use this lens in the 4x5 cameras that I mentioned?

    Thanks so much, i am a little lost!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Help. Can i use lens of a graflex century on a crown or super? sironar n and nikk

    The 105/5.6 Nikkor-W is really for 2x3 and barely covers 4x5. Image circle at f/22, 155 mm. No movements.

    The 150/5.6 Sironar-N is a normal lens for 4x5 and will allow movements. Image circle at f/22, 207 mm.

    Understand, the Century Graphic is a medium format camera. It accepts roll holders for 6x6, 6x7 and 2x3 (=6x9). I don't know which MF formats you shoot but 2x3 is only a small step up from 6x6 and 6x7.

    I gather it is the lenses that attract you. Whether they're a good deal depends on price. Go to ebay and look at sold listings for 150/5.6 lenses. Fujinon-W, Nikkor-W, Symmar-S with and without Apo- prefix, Sironars. That will give you an idea of market prices for modern normal lenses for 4x5. Do the same for 105/5.6 Nikkor-Ws to get an idea of how much you might be able to sell yours for.

    105 mm is a moderate wide angle on 4x5, doesn't seem to be used much. 90 mm is much more commonly used.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Tucson AZ

    Re: Help. Can i use lens of a graflex century on a crown or super? sironar n and nikk

    I have the 105mm on a "baby" Technika (2 x 3.) Very tight on 4 x 5. On the other hand, I shoot a lot of 120 on the 4 x 5 using roll film adapters - mostly 6 x 12 - and it's fine for that.

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