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Thread: 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?

  1. #11
    Angus Parker angusparker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    San Francisco, USA

    Re: 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?

    FP4 is considered more forgiving that Across because you are less likely to blow your highlights. Both are slow but as mentioned Across is king for its modern small grain and reciprocity characteristics. I also would consider using a faster film for windy days, dark days, slow lenses - so having two choices. Xtol is great but you have to mix batches and store it in air tight containers. Also it's not cheap. Consider Rodinal - cheap, lasts forever and mixed with water when you use it.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?

    I concur with mdarnton; give xray film a thought. Experimentation can't be cheaper with LF. Combine it with rodinal or even self-mixed parodinal or caffenol and material costs all but vanish! Once you get the hang of the basics, it becomes less risky to use more costly film.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?

    hi OP

    what are your plans after the film becomes a negative?
    are you hoping to enlarge or contact print, or scan ?
    i've never used xray film, but i've read it might be hard to enlarge
    but easy to contact print. paper negatives are the same way
    unless you have built yourself a reflective enlarger.

    as for modern panchromatic film to use, i'd go for whatever you can get your hands on.
    it seems in this day and age most of what is out there works well. some is more expensive than others
    as a "beginner" i'd stick to lesser expensive films ( or paper or X-ray film ) because the first group of exposures
    might be more getting used to the LF way of doing things than making great photographs.

    good luck !

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Vancouver, Canada

    Re: 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?

    My thought is not to get too caught in what film and developer is best, but pick a film speed that works for quantity of light and shoot. Every time you shoot you will learn. Please post some of your results!

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Iowa City, Iowa

    Re: 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?

    Quote Originally Posted by pnphoto View Post
    My thought is not to get too caught in what film and developer is best, but pick a film speed that works for quantity of light and shoot. Every time you shoot you will learn. Please post some of your results!
    This makes sense to me. Pick a developer, D-76, XTOL, HC-110, DD-X something easy to use. Buy some medium and faster film see what works. Ilford stuff is a bit less expensive, I have always been a big fan of TMY, amazing stuff. Ilford, Fuji, Kodak pretty hard to pick a dud. I've not used Foma films, they are quite popular.
    My default film for 120 and 4x5 is TMY and XTOL 1&1. In the past I shot a lot of Kodak 100 and 200 speed (Ektapan and Super-XX) and used HC-110 dil.B, this may be more of a Foma experience.

    In the old days Plus-X/Ektapan or FP-4 were "normal speed" this might be a good place to start.
    Best Regards, Mike

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?

    Well, first thanks to all of you who have shared their thoughts and experience. I want to tell you that I ordered somme HP5+ and some PANCHRO400 BERGGER, with Xtol for souping.
    Will shared result of my first tries in the following days.
    Thanks a lot again,


  7. #17

    Re: 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?

    Stef where did you source the Bergger400??
    thanks peter

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?

    Peter, I ordered from this shop :

    Service looks good, I'm still waiting for my film ...although the long delay is quite normal since I live in a little tropical island in Indian Ocean (where customs office are realy bad and slow).

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Boca Raton FL

    Re: 4X5 Film for portrait...wich one ?

    Xtol is a good warm climate film developer. Good luck on your endeavors!

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