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Thread: Linhof cameras before 1945

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Linhof cameras before 1945

    I got the Reprint of the 1937 Linhof catalougue today...

    Maybe there is one hint that I have a Model I?... Technical data list lists 37mm Extension of the back... Mine goes only 26mm

    And I found a Feature that was new to me and that is only in 10x15 and larger models... Lens stand is turnable...

    Linhof Technika I 10x15 - Movement by xipho68, auf Flickr

  2. #12

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    Jun 2015

    Re: Linhof cameras before 1945

    Linhof 1937 Catalougue - reprint by xipho68, auf Flickr

    A Technika (II) 10x15 was 420 RM (Reichsmark) Body only (9x12 350 / 18x24 790)
    Lens Tessar 3,5/165 190 RM, 4,5/165 106 RM

    Comparison: Contax II with lens 2/50 Sonnar: 450 RM, a Opel Olympia car 2000 RM

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Linhof cameras before 1945

    is that your catalog? Any chance you can scan it in and make it available as a pdf?
    Signature deleted as to not offend certain people

  4. #14

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    Jun 2015

    Re: Linhof cameras before 1945

    for Serial number dating:

    there is letter in the book:
    Ing. C. Olivetti Milano 28.1.1937: got today a Technika 10x15 Serial 13848 and thank the compan for the impressive Quality---

    So mine with 16xxx should be younger than 1936 - a model II????

    And there is a letter from 16.1.1937 where the customer notes that now Technka 10x15 is new on the market...

  5. #15

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    Re: Linhof cameras before 1945

    Yes, I got it today from ebay second Hand (mint) Problem, it is a Reprint from 1992 from Lindemanns Verlag. So it is Copyright material...
    But I can give informations if you ask...

    Listed models:

    Standard: 6 sizes from 6,5x9 to 13x18 (190 to 400 RM Body)
    Technika: 7 sizes from 6,5x9 to 18x24 (280 to 790 RM) Technika Price extra was moderate 90 RM
    Technika "Medizin" (medical) fully chromium plates and washable 3 sizes 9x12 to 18x24 (430 to 890 RM)

    The real Monster is the Technika "Linhof-Präzionskamera 18x24: Weight 10 kg, max Extension nearly 1 meter...

  6. #16
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Linhof cameras before 1945

    Look at the right front focus knob and the lever close left should lock and unlock the extension rails by friction. If mine was in the position yours is in my rail would not move. To release it rotates clockwise to the rear.

  7. #17

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    Re: Linhof cameras before 1945

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Moe View Post
    Look at the right front focus knob and the lever close left should lock and unlock the extension rails by friction. If mine was in the position yours is in my rail would not move. To release it rotates clockwise to the rear.
    Hi Randy, yes this RAIL lock is here. (Does not work in the Moment as it is bent, but the rail does not move anyway without the knob..
    But there is no lock for the Lens stand itself ON the rail....???

  8. #18
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Linhof cameras before 1945

    Quote Originally Posted by Xipho View Post
    Hi Randy, yes this RAIL lock is here. (Does not work in the Moment as it is bent, but the rail does not move anyway without the knob..
    But there is no lock for the Lens stand itself ON the rail....???
    Look in my picture 2, and notice the slot cut in the left rail. It seems to be for a 21cm lens as my printed distance chart also has 21cm on it, for focus by distance. But i do not have the OE lens.

    Mine has 2 'infinity stops' as I call them. 2 grooves or slot that lock the stand in 2 locations. I suppose you could easily make one anywhere, but it may be hard to make it exactly where you want one.

    Mine also has a rack lock, that need to unlocked by depressing a lever at the bottom front of the left rail.

    Mine does not have front swing, but does have front geared shift, gear rise and tilt back.

    Does your book give any idea of a date or proper name for mine? Serie # 13760

  9. #19

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    Re: Linhof cameras before 1945

    Hi Randy, yes mine has one cut, which is usable for my 180 Tessar, if I put the upper rails a Little bit backwards... But des not help me for my newer lenses..

    The catalogue only says that your fujionon and your lens plate including the Fixing of the plate is ot original... ;-)))

    You said 2 Inch /55 cm Extension, is ths only front Extension or front+rear? Maybe you can measure the max rear Extension alone, too, as there are data tables in the book.

    With this extension, it must be a 12x16,5 cm or 13x18 model. As your lens infinity marker hat 21cm, it must be a 13x18 model. Body size is 21x21x9cm and weight (unmodified w.o.lens) 2880g

    This size, if it would be a Technika II, must have the swing... When I look into the lens, there is a flat Lever on the bottom left of the stand, if I depress it I can swing the stand...
    If your cam does not have ths swing (could you deliver a well (shadow free) illuminated Picture of your lens stand, weher it sits on the rails?

    All TechII 10x15 and larger should have the swing. If it is missing with your cam, might be a sign for a I model and mine would be a II then (maybe there even never were 10x15 (I) models, because the 10x15 might be the last size added to the Portfolio.
    Also the lock of the film holder with yours is black and with leather, mine and all Pictures I have seen hav a metal silver holder...

  10. #20

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    Re: Linhof cameras before 1945

    in my BW photo, you can see the swing fix Lever just above the rail lock Lever on the left side of the photo... The little "tongue"

    The Serial numbers I have seen until now, are puzzling. I always see 13xxx, 16xxx, and 19xxx...? By accident, or is there another System behind it????
    But as the "Olivetti camera" is 13xxx and mine 16xxx and both 10x15, it cant be size dependant...

    What I have seen the first time here, there was a ad-on focal plane shutter, only fitting at the Standard, to make it a two shutter cam like the graflex...
    And ground glass was availible in glass (dirt cheap, 1-2 RM), or more expensive and finer grained Zelluloid plastic ones for travel (morge expensive, about 5 RM)

    If you bought your lens (or 2 lenses) with your cam, you got the (one or two) infinity-stops for the fitted lenses and the Fitting Focus markers mounted...
    My was not delivered with the Tessar I have (as it is 1924), the marker is not in the right place and it s for a 17,3 cm lens...
    This lens was unfortunately lost or stolen as it seems... The only lens that has 17,3 cm in the list is the Meyer Görlitz Satz-Plasmat 1:4,5/17,3cm in CompurII and 185 RM.
    This would be really expensive today I think....! And even those days it was a quite expensive lens...
    Maybe my luck, as with thisplasmat lens the camera would have gone well over 300 euros and I would have quit the auction...

    Anyway, the camera gets back to plasmats with the adaption of my two Schneider Symmars...

    Btw. I have been in Görlitz today, working, and shooting some 35mm photos of the snowy town. (and bringing a Biometar 80/Praktina for CLA to the best specialist for old GDR lenses in the world...)

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