Originally Posted by
Andrew O'Neill
I posted data years ago in the xray film comparison thread some where... It was for double-sided green latitude. I have used the data in the field for years.
I always conduct reciprocity tests under my enlarger. I use ND filters instead of adjusting the enlarger lens aperture. 31 step Stouffer step wedge in contact with the film. I expose one sheet, four times. 1/4, 1, 10, and 100 seconds. I use a piece of black paper to protect unexposed/exposed portions of the film. Densities are read, curves are drawn, data extracted. I like this method as only one sheet is required, and it's very accurate. This film has very poor reciprocity characteristics, but I love using it. I also have used Ektascan, but have not run this test. From my limited use, I suspect that reciprocity is slightly better, but not great. Apologies if my explanation isn't very clear...