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Thread: Arca Swiss format carriers F-line

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Arca Swiss format carriers F-line

    Hello all, a quick call for support. I've got a bunch of format carriers with various clamps. In an effort to get my kit standardised, I though I would quickly switch the clamps on two sets of F-carriers. I've got a set with the old screw-type clamps and another one from a 6x9 with the latest push-type clamps. I get to the point where the stands are out and I see the allen-key bolts on the front carriers. Neither will budge. So I disassembled the plate that covers the allen-key bolt on the rear carrier, it won't budge either. Looks like it is secured somehow. Rather than applying too much force, I have stopped by effort for now, but would appreciate any advice you may have on switching out the carriers. Simply interchanging them is not desired, the modern clamps are on short/light 6x9 carrier, I want to put them on the more solid 4x5 carriers. For just 4x5 they would probably do, but I intend to fabricate a monster arca in some exotic formats so I want the additional rigidity. Thanks for your thoughts!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Phoenix, AZ

    Re: Arca Swiss format carriers F-line

    Quote Originally Posted by kleinbatavia View Post
    Hello all, a quick call for support. I've got a bunch of format carriers with various clamps. In an effort to get my kit standardised, I though I would quickly switch the clamps on two sets of F-carriers. I've got a set with the old screw-type clamps and another one from a 6x9 with the latest push-type clamps. I get to the point where the stands are out and I see the allen-key bolts on the front carriers. Neither will budge. So I disassembled the plate that covers the allen-key bolt on the rear carrier, it won't budge either. Looks like it is secured somehow. Rather than applying too much force, I have stopped by effort for now, but would appreciate any advice you may have on switching out the carriers. Simply interchanging them is not desired, the modern clamps are on short/light 6x9 carrier, I want to put them on the more solid 4x5 carriers. For just 4x5 they would probably do, but I intend to fabricate a monster arca in some exotic formats so I want the additional rigidity. Thanks for your thoughts!
    This is a problem.
    These are not user changeable. I do not understand why you wish to change the function carrier top clamps. Why not just use the knob clamps on the camera you want. These are call ed basic clamps, by the way. Then there are Classic clamps with a sort of 'ducks bill', clamp. Then there are Metric clamps which have geared lateral shift incorporated into there design.
    These Allen heads are not only tightened but epoxied in. Perhaps i can help you.
    Send me some images of what you have. I have several customers using the basic function carriers for 11x14 or 16x20 backs.
    Hope this helps.
    Rod Klukas
    US Representative
    Arca-Swiss USA

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Arca Swiss format carriers F-line

    Good morning Rod,

    Thanks for your message. It seemed like they were stuck, so if they are epoxied in, I guess it makes little (no) sense to try and pull the apart.

    The reason I was interested in a switch is because the carriers with the push plate clamps are about one centimeter shorter than my other carriers. Given my desire to put large frames on them, I figured that the langer carriers would be prefered for their added rigidity.

    Kind regards and have a great day.

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