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Thread: Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    San Diego, CA

    Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

    I bought a couple of 25 sheet boxes of Ilford HP5+ and the last couple I opened had more than 25 sheets, the most recent box I opened and loaded into holders tonight had 28 sheets. Having mostly used Kodak in the past I've not had this happen before, is this normal in Ilford film?

    The first one that I opened I thought I was crazy - I loaded 12 holders (24 sheets) for a long day shooting and instead of one extra sheet to put back in the box I had two. Ended up checking and double checking each holder to make sure I didn't miss one.

  2. #2

    Re: Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

    Never had it with Ilford, and I've used mostly FP4 (and a little HP5) for my LF shooting. However, I'm currently experimenting with Fomapan 100. It's an interesting film, but of the half dozen 50 sheet boxes I've so far opened at least half had the wrong number of sheets in.
    Never less than 50, but one box had at least 55 sheets in.
    It's hard to say how well a 6 box sample reflects on a manufacturers overall practice, but maybe we shouldn't talk about stuff like this in case they're reading . . .

  3. #3
    Land-Scapegrace Heroique's Avatar
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    Seattle, Wash.

    Re: Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

    I can't ever remember finding extra sheets, or fewer sheets.

    However, I recently ordered a box of FP4 from KEH, and they sent me two.

    I called them about the mistake, since I knew they'd apologize and ask me to keep it, and I'd get to clear my conscience.

    Thanks KEH!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

    Someone gets extra film sheets in a box and another gets a 2nd box of film for free. Some people get all the luck.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Plymouth, UK

    Re: Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

    I would have asked if the sheets were on a thinner base, but as a first time user you probably wouldn't know. Its possible the boxes are filled by weight and if there are any changes to the base or emulsion it could make the difference of a sheet or two.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Boston, MA, USA

    Re: Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

    Adox Efke boxes used to have irregular numbers of sheets, which were interlaced with paper every odd number of sheets...
    Same goes for Shanghai.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    San Francisco, CA

    Re: Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

    Funny that you mention it. Just finished loading what I though was the last 40 sheets in a 50 sheet box of 8x10 J&C Classic 400 (aka Fortepan 400, cut by Efke) and it turns out there were actually 60 sheets in the box.
    Never happen to me before.

    I'm chuffed, as they say.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    San Diego, CA

    Re: Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

    I guess I'll just chalk it up to Ilford giving me a bonus. I only asked becuase, like I said, the first time it happened I thought for sure I'd missed loading a sheet in a holder and then proceeded to check all 12 holders twice. I was convinced it was my screw up but it turns out it wasn't.

    Ed, you make a great point - the boxes could very well be loaded by weight and they're not perfect.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Connecticut, USA

    Re: Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

    I'm sure Simon will chime in eventually, where did you buy them from? Maybe I can get in on this deal before it's too late hah!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Re: Extra sheets in Ilford 25 sheet boxes?

    Quote Originally Posted by StoneNYC View Post
    I'm sure Simon will chime in eventually...
    Not here he won't.

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