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Thread: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

    You might look at Photographing The Southwest Vol 1 ,

    The overview of road conditions and trail difficulty could help you plan. I know for me there are places I wouldn't feel comfortable driving to and trails I'm in no shape to hike.

  2. #12
    Do or do not. There is no try.
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    Re: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

    You might also pop in to Deadhorse Point State Park, which is on a side road on the way in to the Islands in the Sky section of Canyonlands. It's day use only, $10 per vehicle. My wife and I found it a worthwhile diversion, both visually and photographically.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia USA

    Re: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Marshall View Post
    I will be in Utah in early May 2015...
    May 2015? I believe in planning ahead but isn't a year and a half a bit far off?

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

    Thanks Steve. I didn't mention it but I already planned to include it with Island in the Sky, since it is so close and rated so highly by Laurent Martres.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Goldstein View Post
    You might also pop in to Deadhorse Point State Park, which is on a side road on the way in to the Islands in the Sky section of Canyonlands. It's day use only, $10 per vehicle. My wife and I found it a worthwhile diversion, both visually and photographically.

  5. #15

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    La Luz del Oeste, Albuquerque NM

    Re: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

    I have been to Arches and Capitol Reef, but not Canyonlands. When I go back, I will likely skip Arches and re-visit Capitol Reef. I found it visually exciting, Arches less so, perhaps because I have seen more work done in Arches.
    Peter Collins

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  6. #16
    Steve Sherman's Avatar
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    Re: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

    Having been to all three parks this past September I would agree they are all three subjective to ones preferences
    That said, I would characterize the three locations in general terms this way. From Moab area Arches is closest with land scape interest "above" the horizon. Island in the Sky about 45 minutes away with huge and interesting amounts of erosion "below" the horizon (as mentioned don't miss Dead Horse Pt state park and as much of the Schafer Trail as you can take inThe Potash road opposite Arches is wonderful as well. The Island all all that comes with it is my favorite. The "Needles" section of Canyonlands NP is about 2 hous southwest of Moab and a it name indicates the cylinder type erosion is from the horizon up. Capital Reef NP for my sensibilities is more closer vignettes of various different erosions the Rt 24 going east towards Hanksville and then Moab is also very interesting with its erosion and light and dark patterns of crusted soil. Goblin Valley out of Hanksville on the way north and east towards Moab is worth a morning (not afternoon light). Happy Trails.

    Real photographs are born wet !

  7. #17
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

    Just a bit over 1000 miles east of my doorstep to Arches is tempting, but I'll stick to heading to Death Valley at the end of February..."only" a little over 700 miles away and more to the Southeast. I have 9 days, hit Hwy 395; Alabama Hills, Eureka Valley, down to Death Valley, then do a southern end-around the Sierras and end up in Yosemite Valley by Friday Feb 28, then the last 500 miles home on Sunday. Subject to change, of course. If I were to head out towards Arches, I would be taking a short side trip to Goblin Valley...and would probably end up spending too much time there!

    Never enough time! But your trip will be a good introduction to the areas for future trips. And I can see why you are planning ahead if you want to make the most of each day!

    I have camped in the BLM camps along the Colorado when Arches is full. Nice, more shade, but pit toilets. Nice spring coming out of a cliff just down the road closer to Moab. Enjoy the planning process!
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  8. #18

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    Re: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

    This is the kind of thread that really makes the site worthwhile.
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

    So far, in the southwest, I have made it to Zion, Bryce, North Rim GC and Coyote Gulch in Escalante. I enjoyed them all but Coyote Gulch the most. The backpack and camping were fun as well as the photography. Mostly I'm planning now because I have the time. In the past I have left it to the last minute and really had to scramble. This trip will give me a better idea of what Utah has to offer.

    Thanks again for all of the great suggestions.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Ex-Seattlelite living in PNW

    Re: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef How much time?

    Ron, if that was me, I'd spend most of the time in Capitol Reef. That might have to do with the fact that I've seen Arches and Canyonlands. The latter two are easily accessible and more people flock to them. I lacked the exploration time for the CF.

    Not sure if anyone here had this type of raw experience, but one of the roads in Canyonlands that hugged this steep cliff was incredibly slick. It was after sizable rain and the road felt like butter (no asphalt). Going up or down was equally bad and there were no guardrails or even larger stones to prevent one from rolling 500' down. I was driving v. slow and not making any sudden moves....and I was hugging the cliff's side pretty much. At one point I stopped and my hatchback slowly slid sideways (with the slope of the road) and touching the wall of the cliff. I got out of there in one piece, but little shaken up by all of this. The hatchback had a minor side dent as a result of this. Not trying to put any fear into anyone....just hoping that road has been improved.


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