Does anyone have experience with HR-U developed with Diafine? I’m going to try this combo but was wandering what others may have found or what a starting equivalent ISO would be given that this developer provides a significant speed gain.
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Does anyone have experience with HR-U developed with Diafine? I’m going to try this combo but was wandering what others may have found or what a starting equivalent ISO would be given that this developer provides a significant speed gain. test Norma Handy Sinarsix MicX by Nokton48, on Flickr
Nothing artistic but a superwide view off of my back deck, on a VERY windy clear sun key day.
Fuji 4x5 HRU XRay test key day Sinar 4x5 Norma Handy 65mm F8 chrome Schneider Super Angulon lens, with Schneider 65mm F8 Center Filter. Norma Sinarsix TTL meter F11 reads green grass EV 7 2/3 equates to 1/15 at F11. Very windy day lots of tree movement. Camera mounted on a Star D tripod to allow slower shutter speeds. Microdol-X straight replenished 12 mins at ambient. Development by inspection red safelight Omega DII Omegalite diffusion head Arista #2 RC paper mulitgrade dev Scratches! Used Paterson trays, should have used smooth Cesco trays. This is a wide scale subject, Microdol-X has done a pretty good job once again :) Norma Handy w TTL Sinarsix metering by Nokton48, on Flickr Pulso Test 210 Componon f22 12 pops MicX by Nokton48, on Flickr
Testing my new Broncolor Pulso C171 375 WS Monolight with restored 80x80cm Pulso Softbox about three feet right. Silver Gold reflector on left. Fuji HRU XRay film 4x5 Sinar Norma 180mm chrome Componon Norma Shutter Mic-X replenished straight developr in a flat bottomed Cesco tray. Lisco 4x5 film holder
F22 I popped the strobe twelve times to build up the density
The Grey canvas background I painted myself; Just recently put it back up test 2 Norma Handy Sinarsix MicX by Nokton48, on Flickr
Same scene as previously but one stop additional exposure
EI of 25 1/8 F11 Key Day Center Filter Seems to have more highlight and shadow detail
Negative suffered some damage as film was mangled in the Graphmatic sheet holder. I'm switching to regular sheet film holders. XRay Test 1 210mm Componon F22 Two Pops C171 by Nokton48, on Flickr
18x24cm Kodak MIN-R Mammography film cut into 4x5s. Sinar Norma Broncolor C171 with Broncolor Pulso Beauty Dish. Two strobe pops with Sinar Norma Shutter, multiple pops are no problem. Schneider chrome Componon lens at F22. Lisco Regal 4x5 film holder
Legacy Mic-X film dev 8 mins at 68F Aristo 8x10 #2 RC print Multigrade dev
This is fun :) Makiflex Std Mic-X 240 f4.5 Tele-Arton by Nokton48, on Flickr
Plaubel Makiflex Standard camera 240mm F5.5 chrome barrel mount Schneider Tele-Arton at F22. One pop of Broncolor Pulso C171 monolight strobe with Broncolor Pulso Beauty Dish. No fill.
8x10 Fuji HR-U XRay film cut into 4x5s straight Microdol-X replenished in a tray development by inspection under custom red light. 4x5 Lisco Regal holder.
8x10 RC Aristo #2 Multigrade dev Omega DII with diffusion Omegalite head.
What kind of times are you getting with the Microdol-X on average? When do you first examine the negative?
My safelights are very very safe and I watch the films as soon as they go in the dev. Yesterday with HR-U the image came up to the point I could see something after three minutes.
I set my time to eight minutes each time as a start, sometimes I pull them. With these Makiflex negs ^^^ I left 'em for twelve minutes and they look pretty good.
If overexposed these films seem to come up quicker? I have had some come up in two minutes. Fixing Step Dental Clips 1 by Nokton48, on Flickr
I've decided to use these Dental Clips I bought on Ebay, to hold down two sheets in the Cesco flat bottomed trays, and keep them off the bottom, and keeping them from moving around (which scratches!)
Here two sheets are in the TD4 Fix Wash Step Dental Clips 2 by Nokton48, on Flickr
Here the two sheets are moving into the wash tray. This has caused a lot of grief, if a sheet touches ANYTHING it is scratched with HRU.
The sheets are well distanced, off the bottom, and can get a decent wash with getting scratched. Dry Step Dental Clips 3 by Nokton48, on Flickr
When I go to the dry step, I move both clips to opposite ends. So the water can drain off properly.
I have made three runs this way, with only one scratch (my fault).
Getting perfect sheets with HRU no defects is not an easy matter. So far I can see no reason to continue tray processing in thos way
I thought that is single side film?
How does it scratch face up?